Chapter 1

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We had landed just around ten minutes ago on the mainland of North Carolina.

My mother had told me just weeks ago I was going to Outer Banks to live with my father for the summer. It was sudden and I was unsure why she was making me leave Australia. I had a good life in Australia other than some recent traumatic events.

My mother and father had divorced when I was just 6 years old. I had lived with them in a decent sized house in OBX until my mom left my dad and took my brother and I to Australia, where she was from. My mom told us Dad was going back to school and didn't have time to be a family man.

A woman stands at the gate with my name sprawled across a sign. She was shorter than me with dark raven hair. A small smile was spread across her lips. I had no idea who she was. I walk up to her, unsure.

"Hi, I'm Roni." She greets with a wide smile. I couldn't help but feel like something was off.

"Franklin. How do you know my dad?" I question.

"Uh, I'll let him explain that when we get home." She informs me hesitantly. Okay now that's just suspicious. Did she really think I was dumb enough to get into the car with a stranger?

"You think I'm just going to get into a car with you? I need to know who you are. So you can tell me or I'm calling an Uber."

"I'm your stepmom, Veronica Taylor." She hesitates.

"My what?" I ask shocked.

"Franklin, please just let me take you home. I'll explain everything when your dad gets home, I promise."

"How do I know you're telling me the truth?"

"Your dad figured you'd ask that. Smart girl." She shows me a picture of her and my fathers marriage license.

I sigh loudly. "Yeah, whatever. Let's just go."

I follow her through the airport, allowing her to lead me to her car. She helps me put my bags in the car. I had several bags because of the temporary move.

Roni drives the car to a ferry and drives onto it. As we drive I think about the events that lead up to me moving to the Outer Banks for the summer.

"Franklin, darling?" My mum comes into my room. I look up at her from my board. I had been scraping the wax off my surfboard in the garage. "You're going to live in Outer Banks for the summer." She informs me.

"Wait," I say confused. "Why?"

"Your father would like to see you."

"Well then he should've stayed in the family." I say with a shrug.

"Frankie, your father just wants to get to know his daughter. It's not up for discussion. I've been talking to your father, he just wants to know you."

I was beyond confused. My dad hadn't had any contact with me or the rest of our family since he left. Why was he wanting to get to know me now?

"What's the real reason?" I demand.

"You need to get out of this house. There's too many bad memories for you right now. I want you to take a break."

"I can't just leave. I have competitions this summer."

"I've pulled you out." My mom informs me.

My heart stops in my chest. My eyes grow wide in utter disbelief. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I was too angry to even speak.

"Honey, Perth isn't good for you right now, alright?"

"I need to compete this summer! How could you do that?"

Last summer I had popped my shoulder out of place during a competition. It had been bad enough that I had to take off the rest of the summer as recovery, meaning I could not participate in the rest of my summer comps. This summer was my chance to show that I was still in it.

"Honey, this year has been awful for you. There's competitions in America too."

"None of this year was my fault."

"Franklin Elle, it's not up for discussion." My mom finally snaps.

"Fine." I shrug. I knew I had no control or input in this situation.

Roni pulls off the Ferry and drives down the street. I watch as the houses as they go by. I notice they slowly go from grungy looking one story houses to houses with 2 plus stories.

She pulls up in front of the largest house on the block.

"Holy shit." I say under my breath.

"Welcome home." Roni says smiling at me.

"Right." I say shortly.

I climb out of the passenger seat and walk toward the back of the car. Roni pops the trunk so I can grab my things out of the back. She helps with my bags again, walking to the front door with me.

A familiar man steps into the foyer as Roni opens the door, allowing me inside.

"Franklin." He says analyzing me.

"Hi, Dad." I say. My voice wavers as I say his name.

"How are you?" He asks me.

"I'm fine."

"Good." An awkward silence fills the room as the conversation dies. "I missed you."

"Okay." I respond shortly.

"Come on, you didn't miss your old man?"

"I hardly remember my old man." I state truthfully.

I had a lot of anger toward my father. He had abandoned us and married another woman and I didn't even know.

"Why don't I show you up to your room?" Veronica questions, cutting the tension.

"Sure." I nod.

I follow Roni up the stairs, thankful I was avoiding my father. She leads me into a decorated room. The door faced the side of the bed. There were plants and twinkle lights lining the wall, a large four post bed pushed against the right wall with dark grey sheets and a comforter.

"The, uh, closet is walk-in. You can put your stuff in there if you'd like. Feel free to decorate your room how ever you would like."

"Thank you." I reassured. "Really, I appreciate it."

"Of course." She responds. "Oh! I almost forgot. We have someone to introduce to you."

"What?" I faltered. I was praying to god Roni was not about to introduce me to a sibling I didn't know about.

"Come on." She waves me after her. I follow hesitantly as she leads me into the back yard.

The back yard was huge, with dark green grass and big beautiful plants. There was a decent sized shed with the door swung open.

Roni lets out a whistle. I glance at her confused. I look back over at the shed as I hear noises coming from it. A large golden retriever comes bounding out the door. A wide smile on his face as he trots over to me. I drop to my knees, petting the dog as he sniffs me.

"Hi, buddy! Hi!" I scratch behind his ears.

"This is our dog Flynn." Roni informs me with a smile on her face. "He's just over two years old."

"Oh my gosh! I love him!" I giggle.

Thalassophile // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now