Chapter 7

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The ringing of my phone split through the quiet air like a knife. I had already been asleep for a few hours when my phone rang. I grab it off my nightstand to see who was calling me at such a late hour.

"Hello?" I ask answering the call.

"Franklin?" JJ's voice comes out barely above a whisper. His voice was hoarse and scratchy like he'd been yelling. I could hear the suppressed sadness in his voice.

"Yeah, J, it's me." I reassure. "What's going on?"

I hadn't seen JJ in a couple days, since the dinner. Confusion filled my brain, distracting me from any other thoughts.

"I-I.." His voice trails off into silence.

"JJ? You still there?"

"I need you." He finally says.

"Okay." I answer immediately. I climb out of my bed and grab a sweatshirt out of my closet, throwing it on over my exposed sports bra. "Where are you?"

"I need you to come get me. I'm at the- the boneyard. I'm in pretty bad shape." He mumbles. His voice kept getting quiet as he spoke.

"JJ? I need you to stay with me, okay? I don't know what's going on but I need you to focus on my voice." I rush down the stairs of my large house, trying to stay quiet. I knew my dad was probably still working in his office.

"Okay..." JJ's voice trails off again. I could hear he was struggling to breath as he spoke.

I quickly throw on my shoes and rush out to my car. "Okay, I'm gonna come get you, alright?"

"Mhm." JJ hums into the phone.

"I have to let you go so I can drive." I inform him.


I press the end call button and quickly pull out of my driveway, taking off down the street. As I drive I nervously tap my fingers on the steering wheel. I had no idea what was going on. I also had no idea why I was the person he chose to call.

I pull up in front of the boneyard and climb out of my car. I run into the sand looking for the blonde boy. "JJ!" I call out. No answer.

I look around for several minutes, yelling out his name, trying to find him but I had no clue where he was. I sigh in frustration, angry with myself for not helping him quickly. I run my hands through my hair, stressed.

I finally notice a small hooded figure leaned up against the back of the lifeguard tower. "Oh my god." I whisper running over to him.

I fall to my knees in front of the boy. JJ's head hangs to the side, revealing his unconscious state. I gently shake his shoulder trying to wake him up, but get nothing. I move my hands to his face, lifting his up. He had a large dark bruise forming on both his eye and his jawline. "Oh, god." I cry out. "JJ, JJ please open your eyes! Please, J!" I shake his head carefully, trying to get him to wake up. I run my thumbs over his cheekbones. "JJ, come on!" I could feel panicked tears forming in my eyes. "J, wake up! Open your eyes, please!" The tears spill over, running down my cheeks.

"Frank?" His eyes open slowly as he speaks. His voice comes out hoarse and barely above a whisper. I could tell the boy was in rough shape.

A sob bubbles up from my chest, escaping my lips. I collapse against his chest in relief as I cry. "God, you scared me!" I cry.

His hands glide up to my back, rubbing it gently. "I'm sorry, I'm okay. I'm so sorry, Princess."

I pull away, shaking my head and wiping my tears. "What happened?" I ask.

"I got into a fight and then I drank too much and some how I ended up here. I passed out at some point and when I woke up I called you and then I was out again."

I release a heavy sigh, the anxiety still constricting my breathing. "I'm sorry. Let's get you out of here, yeah?" I wipe at another tear quickly. He nods. I wrap an arm underneath his shoulder, pulling him to his feet and helping him over to my car.

I let out another sigh as I lean my forehead against the steering wheel, gripping it tightly. My hands shake against it as fresh tears well up in my eyes. They drip into my lap, wetting my thighs.

"Uh, Franklin?" JJ hesitates. He sets a gentle hand on my back. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. sorry." I lean back against my seat. I knew the anxiety still rolled off me in waves.

"I'm sorry I scared you." JJ says. "I know I should've called someone else."

"No, no I'm glad you called. You're one of my only friends here. It's just-" I release a heavy sigh, preparing to tell JJ about why I was here. "The last time I found someone like that they were dead."

"Oh my god." JJ says shocked. "I'm so sorry."

"My brother had overdosed and I found him in my bathroom."

"He killed himself?" JJ asks carefully.

"Not intentionally. He was an absolute dickhead. He OD'd on meth with his girlfriend at a party and came home and died in our bathroom."


"Yeah, that's why I panicked when I saw you like that." I explain softly.

"Frank, I'm so fucking sorry." JJ eyes soften as he takes my hand.

"It's okay." I respond. "But you better not die on me, okay, JJ?"

"I won't, I promise."

"Good. But, why did you call me? What about everyone else?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. It just felt right in the moment. Maybe it's the fact that you're one of the chillest people I've ever met. Maybe that you're the most humble person with money I've ever met. It's just something about you, Frank. I don't know what it is yet."

Thalassophile // JJ MaybankNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ