The defense brings up that the victim wore glasses and at the time of the attack she wasn't so she couldn't definitively say it was Lewis who attacked her.

The lab comes back and apparently there was a mistake made with the DNA and it ends up getting thrown out. And just like that the case is declared a mistrial.

Kado's POV:
"This is so wrong!" Rollins states as we get back to the precinct after the trial.

"Don't worry...I'll stop him for good." I sneer and Olivia looks at me.

"No! You won't! And to make sure you don't, you will be staying with Detective Benson for the time being." Declan orders and I look at him not believing what he's saying.

"Sir? I don't think that's-." Olivia starts arguing.

"Wait, you really think she'd do something like that?" Rollins asks.

"There's not a doubt in my mind that she'd take the law into her own hands. Again. Olivia take the week off. That's an order! I don't want to see either of you in this station! Are we clear?!" Declan states as he stares me down.

 That's an order! I don't want to see either of you in this station! Are we clear?!" Declan states as he stares me down

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I sigh and go with Olivia to her car and we head to her apartment.

"Look, I'm not thrilled about this either but you heard my boss. As long as you stay out of trouble I think we can make this work." Olivia states optimistically.

"Whatever. Once this week is over we can go on our separate ways." I mumble.

We pull up to the parking garage and we head to her apartment door. She gives me the keys as she gets her stuff out of her car. I unlock the door and head inside.

I turn the corner and am facing a gun. I look and see Lewis is the one holding it.

Olivia comes walking in the dining room after putting her gun away and freezes when she sees him with a gun to my head.

"Well, I wasn't expecting for you to have company but I think I'll make an exception with this one." Lewis sneers.

"Lewis let her go please!" Olivia begs.

"Olivia, say the word and I'll take him out."
I say and Lewis laughs.

"Something tells me that you're off your game." He comments and it hits me what's wrong with me. I don't have my powers anymore. I don't have the extra strength, hearing, or smelling abilities.

If I had them I wouldn't have walked into this trap. I would've heard his heartbeat and smelled his scent before I opened the door.

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