
The finger stopped and she frowned, leaning back into her leather chair.

Two vampires lost in the middle of Brazil.

She gently picked up the ashtray and crushed the cigar on it, puffing out the last smoke.

The queen summoned her to a meeting.

She slowly stood up, dragging her chair back, ashtray still in hand, and made her way towards the window. Integra opened it with the excuse of letting new fresh air into the room, it felt crammed. She looked to the night sky and took in the tranquility of the night, a high contrast to the turmoil and stress she currently felt inside. She took a deep breath.

"FUUUUCK !" And with that scream she launched the glass ashtray out the window with all her might, closed the window and turn, fixing her suit as if nothing had happened. If she'd heard someone crying out in pain, she wouldn't have cared.

"That undead moron better be here for the meeting. " With that said, the blonde woman sat down again and called for Walter.

She really needed that vacation, but for now she'd make do with some tea.


A thick fog had begun to rise out of nowhere, but considering the humid climate they had right now, it wasn't a surprise. It looked as if the rain wasn't too far away, too.

They had been on that bus for the last hour and a half and the noise had quieted down considerably after the majority of people had fallen asleep or got tired of speaking. Their group was one of the last. They'd been talking for a while and now there was a comfortable silence, although the teen couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She languidly turned her head towards the usual source of said discomfort only to find him fast asleep against the window. She couldn't help but giggle at the picture of a passed-out Dracula and briefly wondered if he would drool, seeing as his mouth was half open. Her brow furrowed for a second after she took in his whole appearance. She still didn't understand why he had changed into that form or why he would keep it . Inés sighed as she turned back and closed her eyes, intending to follow his lead.

At least he's not wearing armor anymore. The vampire had changed clothes that same morning, opting for his usual black trousers with riding boots and white shirt; his vest and coat forgotten. The Spanish girl wondered if it was to blend in with the locals or he did it on a whim just as his change in looks.

Her train of thought was interrupted when the same feeling from before made itself present again. A chill ran down her spine and she turned her head to where she thought it came from. Miguel and Jolene sat there but none of them were looking at her.

Weird. A heavy weight landed on her shoulder at that moment, spooking her. She would have screamed if she hadn't covered her mouth with her hand. Who knew that really worked... she thought as she looked at the invasive object that happened to be Alucard's head.

"God, could this be more clichéd?" She searched out her companions for help, but they were either asleep or not paying attention. What should she do? She had read you should never wake up a sleeping vampire and she didn't want to risk getting bitten. Well, at least her previous question had been answered: He did, in fact, drool. All over her shirt.

The teen tried poking his cheek carefully, tapping it and pinching as a last resort. Nothing worked, he was dead to the world, literally. Alucard didn't breathe, he was cold and he weighted quite a bit, just like a corpse. Inés shuddered, she didn't need that image in her head. Exasperated and a bit embarrassed, she tried lifting his head. She was making progress until his arms wrapped around her. "Fuck." One hand held the head while the other tried to pry open the clamp grip he had on her waist. One hand slipped and the other failed; Alucard was effectively hugging her like a teddy bear. "Fuck."

HELLSING: A trip between two worldsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें