Chapter 2

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A week passed and it was one of the best I had ever had. Conner and myself had almost every single class together so we never really left each other alone. We pulled jokes on one another and talked about books as well as other 'important' school stuff.

The days grew hotter and hotter and by midweek I was wearing shorts, a tank top and sandals but Conner never took off his jacket or a glove. He must have been suffering but he never showed it. Every time I asked why he just changed the subject, soon I learnt to just ignore the fact that he must be close to dying of heat.

On Friday, just after the bell had rung, Conner and I were walking towards the school gates. I turned around to say goodbye.

"Well, this is goodbye for the weekend." I said a little reluctantly. "I have a book that I want to finish, tell you about it on Monday."

I turned away but before I made my first step Conner grabbed my wrist. "Angie?" he said, doubt in his voice.

I twisted around to face him. "Yeah?"

He was looking at the ground, he adverted his eyes to my face, biting his lip he said. "Would you like to meet up sometime in the weekend, go out for dinner. Like a date?" He stared into my eyes, I couldn't look away, I was lost in the chocolate brown.

"Um, yeah. That'd be cool." Now it was my turn to look at the ground.

When I looked up his face lit up and the corners of his eyes crinkled with a smile bigger than no other. "Great, I'll pick you up around eight on Saturday, oh, and wear something nice!"

My insides gave a little flip. Nice, nice? I don't own a single dress! "Okay, sounds good." I hoped that my voice would sound confident.

"Great! See you then, Angie!" He turned down the pathway waving.

I sped off in the opposite direction of my house and extracted my phone from my pocket. Punched in the numbers to Gabby's mobile and waited.

"Hi," an excited voice said "I haven't talked to you, like, all week! You've been with the new boy!"

"Yeah I have," I said going a little red in the face, thank god she couldn't see me. "I need to be at your house in ten, good?"

"Great!" Gabby exclaimed.


"So, try on this, this, oh and you have to put these on as well!" Gabby tossed clothes this way and that from her wardrobe and cupboards. I was frantically trying to catch them as they fell.

She had pestered me about Conner for the last half an hour. Everything from hair colour to facial expressions. Honestly, I was kind of regretting coming over to her house.

"So where's he taking you?" Gabby said in a sing song voice.

"Some restaurant, don't know where." I replied grabbing another falling top.

"Is he going to suit up?"

"I dunno, maybe." I secretly enjoyed the fact that I might see Conner in a suit.

"Okay, try all these on!" Gabby said excitedly.

For the next hour I tried on dress after dress. I always complained that it was too girly or too tight. Finally, we compromised with a black strapless dress with baby blue embroidering down the middle along with blue wedges.

Gabby stepped back taking in her masterpiece bit by bit. "It really shows off your figure."

"Really?" I turned and looked in the mirror. I felt a little out of place but still felt, well, classy. "It does, kind of." I wanted to sound modest but I don't think I was doing a great job.

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