Sunday 2nd December [Marinette]

Start from the beginning

The books she had contained Miraculous combinations, power ups and skills that herself and Chat have yet to obtain. Apparently they would come with age and experience, but a bit of light reading into it wouldn't hurt.

There was also an additional manual for Chat Noir, it guided him incase something happened to her, and if she passed the test, also on how to be a second in command Guardian.

Of course, she also had her sketch book. Her new sketchbook. It had been gifted from the Guardians on her birthday and she treasured it. The folder it was in was beautiful and she found herself rubbing her hand over the cover often. Feeling each and every crevice of the amazing leather.

Marinette shook her hair before placing on her sunglasses and her fluffy pink earmuffs. The sun was bright for the beginning of December, and already stepping foot on French soil filled her with the Christmas Spirit. Obviously there were no hairdressers at the temple, so Marinette's trademark pigtails had to go. Her hair was now halfway down her back and her bangs no longer existed. She loved the hair length but hated the lack on bangs, perhaps they would be number five on her list to get sorted.

Stepping out of the metro station, Marinette took in the sights, sounds and smell's of Paris. It was still quite early in the morning, especially for a Sunday, and the excitement buzzed around her about surprising her parents. They knew she was back this weekend just not when. She couldn't take the smile off her face as she marches around the corner with a spring in her step.

Unfortunately, that spring ended with a flustered bluenette sprawled out across the cold floor. Books and bag thrown everywhere.

"I am so sorry."

That voice. For some reason, it was recognisable but she couldn't place it. It was deep and comforting, and she couldn't help the shiver run down her spine.

"It's ok, I'm used to it." Luckily the earmuffs stayed firmly placed on her head, along with the sunglasses over her eyes.

Thank you Tikki, I needed the good luck!

"Let me help you." The deep voice was male and very sexy. The man held out his hand and without a second thought she placed hers in it. A jolt of electricity went through her veins and her heart picked up, accelerating to a tremendous speed. Who was this guy?

Brushing herself down and neatened her pink skirt she noticed the tall gentleman was helping to collect together her scattered books. She watched panic-stricken as he began to look at one suspiciously. Turning it forwards and backwards with a crease placed upon his forehead.

Considering she felt so happy and warm a minute ago now a sheer uncomfortableness took over her body as she watched his scrutiny of the books. It seemed he wasn't just curious, he was suspicious. As if he knew what they were. But that couldn't be the case, could it? Only Ladybug and Chat would know they were Miraculous books.

"Oh, that's errrmmm ... something I'm reading for ... errrmmm ... work? I love ancient Chinese Gods." What a pathetic response, well done Marinette. Welcome back.

"It looks ... interesting. What is it about?" If we weren't wearing sunglasses, she was quite certain he would be staring into her soul. As he bent down again she managed to catch a quick flicker of green. Green eyes? How unusual?

She looked him over. His glass blocked access to seeing his eyes and his hair was covered by a black beanie hat. She was sure she could see stands of gold trying to escape around the edge of his face. His smile was bright and wide, with perfectly white teeth in between perfect peach lips. He was tall. Very tall. With amazingly broad shoulders ... this guy must work out. A lot.

"It's about ..." Marinette looked around trying to think of an idea, "it's about ..." come on Marinette. "Possessed flying creatures?" Snorts were heard from two places. One was Tikki, but the other? It came from the man. Not actually from him, but from on him?

"Well, I'm really sorry for knocking you down. Would I be able to apologise by taking you out for coffee?"

Marinette looked the man up and down. There was something so familiar about him. It felt like she knew him, like, really knew him. The feelings in her body were relaxed and heightened at the same time. He was really beautiful.

"Unfortunately I'm just heading home. You see I've been away for a long time and haven't really had chance to keep in contact with anyone."

"That sounds a bit like prison." He said, a bright, perfect smile appeared on his face.

"It sure felt like it." She smiled back before shaking herself out of the daze. "I best go. It was nice meeting you, and thank you for helping me."

She turned and began to walk away mentally face palming herself. Possessed flying creatures? What the hell was that?

"Wait. Excuse me." Stopping and turning in her tracks she looked at Mr Handsome again.

"Would it errmmm ..." Oh my, he was stuttering, her heart went into overdrive. "If possible, perhaps I could take you out for coffee some other time? Could I have your number at all?"

"My - my number?"

"Yes, your phone number. I could drop you a text and we could arrange a meet?" He asked, walking towards her again. That stride, she knew that stride.

"I don't actually have a phone."

"You sure you weren't in prison." Marinette wholeheartedly laughed and she could tell that was the response he was looking for. He smiled back at her with that gorgeous smile. His teeth were so perfect, and so white. He almost looked as though he could be a model.

"Here." He dug around in his pockets and extracted a pen and piece of paper. He wrote something on it. "This is my number. When you get a new phone drop me a text." She took it out of his hand and slipped it into her coat pocket smiling back at him, and nodded.

"Sure. See you around handsome." She turned back and began to walk away ... at speed.

Why did I say that? The blush on her face was heating her right to the core.

Ten minutes home and already she was glad to be back in Paris.

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