💔Pay The Price - Sandy

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"There must be something we can do to help them."

"There isn't." She sadly confessed. "If we were to try going up against the bosses, we would be killed."

"So we're just supposed to carry on like everything's normal? We're just supposed to act like we don't know how they're being treated?"

She shrugged apologetically. "Yeah. I'm sorry to say it but that's just the way it is."

"Kirsty? You ready?" Brook's voice sounded, the boy hovering by the door.

"Yeah, come on in sweetie." She smiled, turning back to me with a concerned gaze.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid."

I sighed. "I promise."

She leant in for a quick hug, ushering me away. I sent one last pained look towards Andy before I made my way backstage.


I admit I didn't perform my best that night. But that was only because my mind was preoccupied. Although I knew what Kirsty said was true, I couldn't help but feel useless. Surely there was a way to help them, to help Andy, without getting myself killed.

There had to be.

I was scared though. I was terrified at the mere thought of challenging the bosses. They held more power than anyone. There was nothing they couldn't do. No limits. They could literally get away with murder without anyone even batting an eyelash. That just fuelled my rage even more.

Why should we be forced to just sit back and allow them to carry on doing what they were doing? Why couldn't I just stand up to them without risking my life?

As much as I hated it, I wasn't planning on doing anything. Kirsty was right. Maybe it was unfair, but was it really worth killing myself over?

So no, I wasn't going to do anything.

That was until I overheard a certain conversation, however.

I was on my way back to my room when I heard those all too familiar voices.

My father and his little running buddy.

My dad owned the business. He ran the show. He held all the power. He could quite literally do anything he wanted. And he did. He felt no remorse. No shame. No guilt. My dad ruined peoples lives and he thrived in it.

Which was why I had disowned him as soon as he forced me into his sick little world.

It didn't surprise me to hear him planning some twisted little scheme to get one of the acts killed. In this business, it was best not to make friends. There was a very big chance that you would lose them eventually, so it was better not to get attached.

I had never even spoken to the boy, but I was already attached to Andy.

Which is why I felt my heart fall to my stomach when I heard his words;

"Fowler has outlived his usefulness. People are getting bored of him now. They want something new. Something exciting. Not to mention the fact that he is a little shit who doesn't know how to follow orders. He repulses me. That's why, after tomorrow night's show, I need you to kill the cat."

It was a rash decision. It was dangerous. It was a suicide mission. But it was the right choice in that moment. I had to act fast if I wanted him to run free. If I didn't help him now, he would die. I couldn't let him die.

Which is why I found myself sneaking into the hybrid cage later that night after I was certain everyone was asleep. My brother Rye was on look out by the door. He didn't agree with what I was doing, but there was nothing he wouldn't do to help his brother. He hated out father and his malicious ways just as much as I did.

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