013 | What Team?

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RICKY PULLED UP OUTSIDE OF BIG Red's house, the trio jumping out and heading into the house. Almost immediately, Lexi collapsed onto the bed, laying in a starfish position, as Ricky sat in the recliner, and Red perching on the edge of the bed. "It feels weird not being at rehearsal, how sick is that?" Ricky commented throwing a little basketball up in the air

"What if we do the show without her?" Red suggested

Ricky shrugged "no offence but we couldn't even take a picture without her there, right Lex?"

There was no response, so the pair looked back to see that Lexi had fallen asleep. She's curled in on herself, her glasses slightly skewed and her hair fanned out around her "I feel bad for her, I wont admit it to her, but she deserves better"

"She really does" Ricky sighed, picking up a blanket and draping it over his sisters body.

"Anyway" Red changed the topic back "I guess your right"

The doorbell rang, and a couple of seconds later Kaden poked his head down the stairs "hope it's cool, I invited Steph and Rico"

Ricky looked confused "what's up guys?"

"You didn't answer my text at first, so I reached out to some peeps. I wanted some company tonight" Red explained before the doorbell rang again, before Ashlyn appeared.

Ricky looked at Ashlyn even more confused "how many people are coming?"

"That should be it?" Red trailed off for a moment

Ashlyn smiled sheepishly "actually give it a minute" she scanned the room before noticing her best friend "oh that's where Lex is, I was looking for her"

"She's been asleep for like 15 minutes" Ricky chuckled slightly

THE ENTIRE THEATRE GANG ENDED up sat in Big Red's basement, at the bottom of the stairs on the couch. An awkward silence filled the room before Natalie broke it "This is a terrible Party, there isn't even pretzels"

"Look we all ended up in the same basement after a really bad day, even Lexi and she's sick. So someone needs to say something" Ashlyn sake

"Fine, I'll say something. I'm mad at Miss Jenn" Carlos spoke up

"Why? Because she's got a couple of skeletons in her closet?" Gina rolled her eyes

Carlos shook his head "no, because a she's giving up. She was the first teacher to not see me as a punchline and now she's not even a real teacher"

"Define Real Teacher" Ashlyn said

"He's got a point" Kourtney added

Natalie shrugged before adding "Does he? Why are we all here then?"

EJ rolled his eyes "Good question. This was a waste of time"

"Honestly?" Carlos ignored EJ "because she gave me a shot. And it's been a long time since someone gave me a shot. And I know Lexi would agree, the first thing she said was 'we have to save the show, I can't lose something else'"

"She gave me a voice" Nini added

"Yeah and no ones gonna hear it because Miss Jenn screwed up"

Ashlyn shook her head "okay but does anyone care that her past is a little bit sketchy?"

Everyone was quiet "I do" Ricky answered glancing over at his twin

Kourtney scoffed "what because you live a perfect life?"

"No" Ricky said "Because she put the show in jeopardy, and made my sister feel like she's lost everything. But now we are all sat together, possibly for the last time, and for some of us this has become-"

Good Enough ~ EJ CaswellWhere stories live. Discover now