⚤ The challenge - how to make braids for a four-year-old ⚤

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Emmeline was sitting on my lap as I tried to deal with her unruly afro. The child was as impatient as only four-year-olds can do.

—I want braids — Emi said. — Just like Manni did.

—We'll see if I can do it — I said cheerfully as I gently combed my granddaughter's hair. She had beautiful, curly black hair, a combination of mine and that ... woman I once loved.

Yeah, I don't think I'll ever say Liz's name without feeling hated. My faith made me forgive, but I couldn't. It was all too fresh. I recently buried my firstborn daughter. By chance, I found out about her at all.

And I wouldn't have that little girl sitting on my lap here.

— Can you make braids, Grandpa? — Emi asked sweetly. —Because Manni says you can't possibly.

—  Manni said that? — I asked and kissed my child on the head. —  You'll see that I make the best braids in the world.

—Do it — Emi said simply, and I sighed. A year before that, I released the album Rave Un2 the Joy, and although my hairdresser Kim did the entire hairstyle, I learned to do the braids myself.

Seriously, at 41, I mastered such a trivial thing as fucking braids.

—I'll have braids, braids — Emi began to sing and wave her feets. I was delighted to listen to her - not so long ago I discovered that my granddaughter has a very nice, clear voice. I was touched by this.

— Yes, you will — I said, and started making her mini braid. Seriously, it wasn't easy, especially since her hair wasn't long at all. I thought about keeping this haircut short, but Manuela convinced me that it would be better if Emmeline's hair kept growing.

—Short hair is easy to care for — Manni explained. —But P., Emi is a little girl who has a pretty face and long hair is fine. I know that a long afro is a problem, but if you don't have the patience to comb it, I can take care of Emi's hair.

I agreed that Manuela would see to it. I loved the subject of hairstyles, but I only had patience with mine. Emmeline's hair was a challenge.

— Why so long? — Emi asked grimly as I made her three mini-braids. — Manni does it faster.

— Manni is a master at it, sweetheart — I explained as I tied the pink ribbon around the braid. —And your grandpa needs more time.

— It's stupid — Emi replied in an all-knowing tone. —Braids aren't that hard to make.

— Why don't you do your own haircut, honey? — I asked provocatively, and Emi crossed her arms. — What happened?

You'll braid my braids — Emi said confidently, and I chuckled.

— And how can you be so sure?

—Because I like it when you do it — Emi said and started to play with the fabric of the dress. —And you like to braid me up too, so that's why.

I wanted to laugh. Inferring this child was cute, but it was also clear that Emi was a very bright child.

—I love doing your braids — I explained fondly, and when I made the last one, Emi grinned. — Ready. You are a beautiful little lady and no one is prettier than you.

—There is someone.— Emi looked up. —Manni.

— Manni is beautiful — I agreed and cupped my granddaughter's cheeks. — But you are the most beautiful girl in the world.  I kissed her forehead. Do you want to see what you look like?

—Yes — Emi clapped her hands together, and I took her in my arms and we walked over to the large mirror. As I was standing there with my granddaughter in my arms and Emi admired her braids, I saw that I liked the view.

My view with the child.

I swallowed hard. If the past proved kind, I could fulfill myself as a young father. Yes, I mean my Cherica. Instead, I had to be a parent to an orphaned granddaughter. 

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