⚤ I have to be strong for Emi ⚤

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Prince's POV

The days passed at an alarming rate. Emmeline slowly got used to her new life in Paisley Park. She was still talking about her mother, and I had to be doubly strong for her. I couldn't cry at the mention of Cherica.

Emi was a very lively child, full of energy and so loved. If I could, I would kiss her to death! She still wanted to cuddle and get my attention. This child, suddenly deprived of her mother's love, focused on a person who suddenly appeared in her life. And I was meant to be for her forever.

— You're 42 — Wendy said, and rested her chin on her hand. — And you have a granddaughter. Isn't that cool?

— People younger than me are becoming grandparents. — I rolled my eyes and looked at the lyrics of the new song. — I don't think it's anything unusual. Anyway, Emi is my whole world. You don't have children, so you don't know.

— You sound like someone who has raised at least ten kids.— Wendy tapped me on the shoulder. —Sure, anyone can have grandchildren. I could be a grandmother, why not?

— Your grandchildren would have a hell on earth. — I chuckled in a slightly forced manner. — From the first day of their lives they would have to listen to divine funky music.

Maybe yours too, huh?

— Why not? I want Emi to love music as much as I do. But if she wants to develop in a different direction, I will not be against it. The most important thing is to have a goal.

P, she's only four — Wendy grew serious. — Now the most important things for her are ponies and Barbie dolls.

—I'm not forcing her to do anything.— I frowned. — Childhood is meant to be a happy and carefree period. I want this child to have the best life.

—Is that ...— Wendy started and stopped. I raised my eyebrows and added:

— Finish, please.

— Is that a compensation? — Wendy asked softly. — Because of what happened?

Wendy's attention hurt me, but I had to endure it. It was foreseeable that people would ask me about my personal loss and about my daughter. I didn't explode, as Wendy probably thought. I was known to explode, but now I was burned out internally. And I functioned on andydepressants.

—Also — I admitted. —But I think every parent wants the best for a child. If Cherica were alive, she would have everything. She would never suffer poverty and have a father who would love her. She would have forgotten her toxic mother.

—It was a sweet girl — Wendy whispered. —Did she tell you about Liz? That Liz was a bad mother to her?

— Cherica mentioned that Liz was loving, but when our daughter was a teenager, Liz's mental health deteriorated enough that Cherica wanted to run away from home. She did it a couple of times.

— If you knew...

—If I knew — I hissed and clenched my fist. — I'd do anything to make that bitch lose her parental rights. Cherica would be just mine, and I would decide her future.

— What's wrong with people — Wendy shook her head. —Liz has done you and your daughter a great deal.

— Let's not talk about it — I replied. — Liz is history. Now the most important thing is the future.

Then I heard a knock on the door. Me and Wendy looked that way and when the door opened I saw Manni with my granddaughter in her arms. Emi was wearing a pretty blue dress.

— Are we interrupting? —Manuela asked cheerfully, and Emi grinned at the sight of me.

—No — I said, and put a piece of paper on the table. I got up and walked over to my girls. I reached out to Emmeline and when she was in my arms she put her arms around my neck.

— You'll strangle me, sweetie — I joked and she looked at me. She touched my cheek and said:

— You're scratching, grandpa.

—You think — I replied and kissed her forehead. — Time to say hi to aunt Wendy.

Emi nodded and waved to Wendy, who grinned at the sight of her and held out her arms.

— Come to me, babygirl!

I approached my friend with the baby and Wendy took my granddaughter in a hug.

— Grandpa will take a break — Wendy replied. — Did you miss me, sugar?

—Yes, auntie — Emmeline smiled sweetly, and Wendy stroked her afro. —Where's auntie Lisa and auntie Sue?

—They'll be visiting you soon — Wendy started tickling Emi who started laughing out loud.

I smiled despite everything. When Emmeline was happy, I felt like running all over Chanhassen and crying for joy. I hated it when the child was sad and cried.

But unfortunately, her moods were different and it is no wonder - after all, she is a little girl who lost her beloved mother.

I watched Wendy play with Emi and walked over to Mania. I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek:

— I have not forgotten you, my love.

—I know — Manni whispered and hugged me. —See, Emi is laughing.

—Yes — I said, and wished it would always be that way. My friends gradually visited and supported me after this terrible tragedy. They quickly fell in love with Emi - this child could win anyone's heart.

—Bianca called — Manni said. —She asked if she could visit Emmeline.

—Sure — I muttered and frowned. Bianca was Cherica's friend and godmother to my granddaughter was someone Emi had known forever. Me and Bianca broke up under unpleasant circumstances, but I was ready to forget it, as long as Emi was happy. Bianca left with my ex-bodyguard and she knows damn if she even wanted to have contact with my Emi.

Emmeline obviously asked about Bianca, but what could I tell her? Bianca was a woman with a difficult character, and she could not come to terms with the fact that Cherica's funeral was held at the Kingdom Hall and that I became my granddaughter's legal guardian. Bianca brought my daughter's personal belongings on her last visit.

— I'll call her later — I informed my girlfriend and I put my arms around her waist .— Bi is important to my granddaughter, so I'll start pretending I like her.

— P. — Manni frowned and I explained:

— That's the truth. Bianca has not forgiven me for certain things and is unlikely to do so. Cherica mentioned that if someone presses this girl's fingerprint once, then it's bad.

— Everyone is different...

— But Bi is fierce. But my child's well-being is more important, so sweet and sour Bianca is lucky.

I didn't know that Bianca was actually withdrawing from my granddaughter's life. The visit she made later was the last. Then there were a few more calls and Bianca disappeared from Emmeline's life and mine. Later I found out that her two-year romance with Giacomo had a baby, a son, and when Bianca broke up as with Italian lover, she and their son went abroad. Apparently Bianca lives somewhere in Australia and got married. But if it is so, I don't know.

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