"Here,"Elias said, passing her a bottle of firewhiskey.

She twisted off the cap, opening the bottle and then took a sip. Immediately that familiar fiery sensation, ignited in her throat and chest filling her with an eager feeling of courage.

She took another swig.

"Easy,"Cedric chuckled. "I don't wanna have to carry you back to your dormitory."

She threw a beam at him through the burning sensation in her body.

"I bet he wouldn't mind that though,"Isaac coughed.

Athena giggled whilst Cedric blushed.

As the night commenced, they did plenty of chatting and drinking to the point where Isaac suggested playing strip poker with the deck of cards Forester had brought. Though Aurora shunned the idea as they weren't alone in the common room. Athena was extremely grateful to her. 

She was on her second bottle of firewhiskey, having gulped down the first slightly too quickly. She wasn't drunk yet but did feel strangely confident about every idea she had. They put some music on the radio and she asked Cedric if he wanted to dance which was very unlike her as she tended to dance with two left feet.

And so they laughed and drank and danced to the late night mashup from the radio station, an abundance of serotonin enthusing the room.

The best part of it all. Nothing in this particular moment mattered to Athena. Nothing at all except having fun.

Cedric's hair was all ruffled and disheveled which Athena thought was extremely attractive. Her cheeks burned just at the sight of him. She wondered what it would be like to touch it.

She ran her hand through his hair, which caught him off guard, but he let her continue.

"You h-have nice hair,"she hiccuped.

"Thank you,"he beamed, holding onto her so that she didn't toppled over. "You seem like you could use a rest. I'll get you some water."

He placed her onto one of the sofa chairs, where she was glad to feel the comforts of the cushion. She was a bit tipsy by now having just drunk her third bottle but still didn't want to leave.

Cedric walked back over to her holding a cup of water in his hands. Athena scooted over in the large sofa chair so that Cedric could squeeze in but he didn't seem to understand. He gave her the water and proceeded to walk away, when she tugged at his sleeve.

"Will you sit with me?" she asked, patting the space next to her. He smiled, nodded and squeezed himself in beside her. She then rested her head upon his torso and he was warm, so damn warm. He placed his arm over her shoulders and they stayed like this for a while.

Athena thought she could probably have been stuck in this position forever. She was so comfortable and content right here. From the soothing rising and lowering of his chest under her head to the warmth emanating from his body, everything seemed perfect.

Until reality set in.

"Blimey is that the time?"Elias said. "You guys better get back before Filch comes around to check the common rooms."

"Oh you just wanna go to bed you soppy git,"Isaac teased, as he and Aurora were slow dancing to a song by the Weird Sisters.

"Well I think I'm gonna head off,"Forester yawned, placing his bottle of firewhiskey on the table next him and standing up.

"Alright I guess I'll come with you then,"Aurora sighed, giving Isaac a kiss, who looked devastated that the party was ending. Athena felt the same.

"'Thena don't tell me you wanna head back to Gryffindor yet,"Isaac groaned.

"No I'm alright at the moment,"she said, looking up at Cedric who seemed quite tired. "Unless Ced's going to bed."

"I'll wait up,"he smiled, rubbing her shoulder.

"Great! Another bottle?"Isaac beamed enthusiastically.

"Sure!"Athena stood up, tearing away from Cedric's grasp and took her fourth bottle of the night from him. She knew she probably shouldn't have another but she was craving that fiery sensation.

Cedric stayed put in the chair, watching and laughing with her and Isaac as they danced to the radio. How she had this much energy at this time of the night, she did not know.

"You are an amazing dancer!"Isaac slurred sarcastically.

"Oh shut it! I am a-amazing!"she hiccuped, moving parts of her body every which way.

"What do you think Ced?"he cackled, as they both looked to Cedric.

However, Cedric seemed to have dosed off.

"Sad fuck! We better let him have his beauty sleep,"Isaac said, taking the last sip of his bottle.

"Should we wake him? Maybe move him?"she asked.

"You wanna try carrying that sack of weights? By all means,"he chuckled, putting down the empty bottle. "He'll be fine."

Athena obliged and she turned off the radio and chugged the last bit of her drink. Before following Isaac, she went over to Cedric and couldn't resist running her hand through his hair one more time.

They then left through the exit of the Hufflepuff common room. They were trying to be ever so quiet in the corridors, though Isaac tripped up as they were coming out of the passageway, almost plummeting onto the floor which made Athena snort with laughter.

"Shhhh! We're gonna get caught,"he said, drunkenly throwing his arm over her shoulders. She tried to assist him to not trip over again but he was rather too heavy to support. It got much harder when they were stumbling up the stairs.

"I need the loo,"she said as they passed the girls bathroom.

"Can't you go in the dorms?"he moaned.

"But it's right here,"she sighed, coming to a stop outside the bathroom.

"Fine, do you want me to wait?"he asked, looking slightly apprehensive.

"No no you go ahead. I'll be fine."

He nodded and continued to stumble down the corridor and she swung the bathroom door open.

Once finished in the toilet, she began making her way back to the dormitories when a sudden thought arose in her mind. Without knowing why, there was something she had to do.

Athena turned on her step, walking back the way she came, heading downstairs. She wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do or say but she ended up down in the dungeons, outside of the Slytherin common room.

'Now what?' she thought. 'Oh yes.'

"Pureblood" she whispered quietly. But nothing happened. She said it again, a bit louder this time.

"Pureblood," but again, nothing happened.

"What the fuck are you doing?"a shrill voice spat.


ninth chapter complete :)

get your seatbelts on...

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