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"Im sorry but you can only stay here outside, we'll do the best that we can" sana's brother said to taehyung as he entered the hospital room where they took sana. He couldn't help but to walk left and right at the hallway, while waiting. "I've called her mom, she's on her way now" momo said as she sat at the bench along the hall.  Taehyung only got more frustrated, his whole body is shaking with fear. "It's all my fault, she shouldn't be like this if only i had protected her at the first place" he cried and leaned his head against the wall.

"Don't blame yourself tae..'' hobi tried to comfort him as he caressed his back to calm down. "I should be the one to take the blame. What if i loose her? What if i failed to be a good man for her?" he began blaming himself. He thinks that if only he had save her none of this would've happened, that he only cause a lot of trouble in her life. "Taehyung listen, she's a brave girl, she can pass all of this." hobi hugged him.

Her mother soon arrived at the hospital and they all ran towards her. "Where is she? is everything ok now?''  they all looked at each other and looked back at her. "The doctor is doing his best, she....she'll soon recover" her mom sat at the bench looking so worried of what has happened to her daughter. "What is really happening? can atleast one of you tell me?" she looked at their faces but no one seemed to answer.

"ok i understand--" "its all my fault" taehyung interrupted as kneel infront of her to apologize of what he have done. "Its all my fault. I should be the one who's been operated and not her. She risk her own safety just to save a useless man like me" he sobbed "I'm sorry to cause trouble to your daughter......i'm really sorry" she held up his head and fixed his hair with her hand. "I know you loved my daughter so much. Its not your fault nor hers or their's. You went to place where the kidnapper took her and you went there to save her, and i owe you for that" she tried to smile at him with teary eyes and hugged him.

Hearing her mother's words with sincerity doze off his guilt. She's right, he tried his best to go there and save her. He already have done enough for her. He may not save her but he loved her and believe in her and that means everything.

They all held their heads up excluding taehyung who's still sitting at the bench. "How is she?" her mom asked the doctor (sana's older brother) who just went out from sana's room. "She's stable now, all she need is rest, she's till sleeping and i advise you not to enter the room for the mean time." they all nodded and ran towards the glass window to see. They saw her laying at the bed sleeping in unconsciousness. "I hope she'll recover right away" momo whispered and tears began to escape her eyes too. 

After seeing her, they get back to the bench and seen taehyung still sad so they walked close to him. "I have to go now my mom is been calling me" "Me too" momo and hobi said goodbye and hugged him after leaving the hospital. Sana's mom looked at him and smiled. "You're wondering why i want you for my daughter? Its simply because i know you're the right one for her. You stood at her side at the first place and until now. So if incase you're questioning yourself, you already know the answer." she bitterly smiled at him and stood up. 

"You should rest now, im sure you're tired the whole day" he looked at her and then smiled. "It's ok i'll just sleep here and wait" "Are you sure? i'll go ahead now" he just smiled and nodded in the old women infront of him. She waved bye at him and soon went out. He get back to the bench and sat down. 

He's hesitating if he would watch her from the glass window of her room or just stay at his position and blame himself of all the scenario had happened. Until now he couldn't forgive himself for causing trouble to everyone close to him especially to the girl he loved the most that risked her safety just to save him from being stabbed in a knife. He couldn't resist and gathered all his strenght to stand up. Walking towards it, he's trembling that anytime by now he could break into tears again.

Strong girl [taesana ver.] :Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora