❣︎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 37❣︎

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After wrestling with my thoughts for a couple minutes, I gathered enough courage to get up and wake Hamzah. I took a deep breath before lightly tapping his shoulder. He remained asleep. I sighed in frustration and shook his shoulders. Groggily, he opened his eyes. He smiled a cheeky smile back up at me. It took all my strength to give him a small, tight lipped smile back. He sat up on the couch, running a hand through his curls and standing up.

"Gee, sorry for sleeping so long," he said. I just nodded.

"It's fine." I felt him frown and open his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.

"Let's go. I'm starving," I said, spinning on my heel and grabbing my jacket and phone. I felt him follow silently behind me.


I hopped into the passenger seat of his car, buckling my seatbelt and then picking at my fingernails as I looked down. I saw Hamzah get into the car. He cast a glance towards me, but I was trying to avoid eye contact so I didn't know what face he must've made. He started the engine and the ride to the restaurant was mostly silence.


We got to the restaurant. It was mostly empty except for a few old couples. The hostess greeted us and showed us to a table in the back. We sat down. The hostess sensed the tension and gave us a quick glance before leaving us with our menus. I held the menu, scanning of the options. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on mine. I looked up into Hamzahs dark brown eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I pursed my lips and looked back down again.

"Nothing," I said curtly, trying to avoid further questions.

"I know you. What's wrong?" He asked again. I sucked in a sharp breath. Now is as good time as ever to confront him. I looked back up at his eyes which were swimming with worry.

"Who is Michelle?" I asked. I held my stare and took another deep breath. I saw his eyes widen.

"Michelle? She's uh-an old friend. Kinda. I don't know. Why?" He asked. I felt another wave of sadness.

"I-um. I saw your phone. The texts. You went on a date with her this morning."

"You went through my phone?" He asked, his voice rising slightly. I widened my eyes.

"I didn't mean to! I just saw you had messages from her and I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know why I did it," I said. Suddenly, I remembered what we were talking about before.

"But it's beside the point. Why would you cheat on me?" I asked, my voice cracking. His face softened.

"I didn't. I wouldn't. You don't understand," He said.

"What don't I understand? You went on a date with another girl. While I was asleep, on your couch. There's not much to understand," I said. 

"I wasn't going on a date. I just met up with her to tell her I wasn't interested, and for her to stop texting me," He said. I frowned. I had a hard time believing that.

"You don't believe me, do you." He said. I looked back down at my hands.

"Fine," He said. I looked up at him.

"It's just that, if you really were confronting her, why have you never told me about it?" I asked. It was his turn to look down.

"I didn't know how you would react. I just wanted her to go away, I thought just ignoring it would make it disappear," He said.

"Well that didn't work, did it," I said sarcastically.

"Look, Aurora," He said, finding my hands again and holding them on the table. He looked into my eyes, searching for any sign of forgiveness.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted this to happen. I would never cheat on you. Ever."

I looked away, scared of my own feelings. I was lost. I had no idea what to think. Should I believe him? He seemed so honest and genuine I wouldn't be surprised if he was telling the truth. I sighed and pulled my hands out of his, crossing them again on my lap.

"If you want to break up, well, I guess I deserve it," He said. I looked up. I never really thought about breaking up. I didn't think any of this would happen. Although I was heartbroken, I knew it was for the best.

"A break." I said. His eyes were sad but he put on a small smile.

"And I'll always love you, no matter what." He said. I looked back into his eyes, taking another breath.

"Me too."

A/N: umm lmao. ok so yeah. comment feedback and ideas!! we are literally at like 30k reads almost which like is absolutely insane. happy about it but anyways thank you for reading and ily and bye!

840 words (short chapter)

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