❣︎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 22❣︎

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I woke up to a woman's voice on the overhead.

"We're almost to our destination. Please turn off electronics and stay buckled until we tell you to unbuckle. Thank you." I turned to face Hamzah who was already up, eating some chips. I giggled at him and stole one from the bag. He sent me a fake glare, and put the bag away. My ears still felt like they would pop, which is one of the main reasons I didn't like flying. I popped a piece of gum into my mouth and offered some to Hamzah, which he accepted. Once we were all ready, and the plane started nearing the airport, I opened my window and looked out. I didn't know what I was expecting, to be honest. The place looked pretty plain but it was amazing to see from up above. The flight attendant came back on the speaker and told us we were about to land. I found one of Hamzahs hands and pulled it onto my lap, once again playing with his fingers. He smiled at me and peered out the window, watching us descend. The plane dipped and my insides felt like they were floating for a minute, before we started going farther and farther, wheels hitting the runway. I always hated this part. The wings came up and the wheels ran across the pavement at what felt like thousands of miles per hour. We finally slowed after a couple minutes and the pilot drove around, finding the gate. We still sat in the seat. I was bored out of my mind. Finally, after what felt like hours, the ladies voice came onto the speaker again and told us we could get up. My ears felt clogged and everything was very quiet, feeling as if I was in a dream. I grabbed bag and Hamzahs hand, and we stood up, waiting for a chance to squeeze into the crowded isle.

We finally got off the plane, walking to the baggage pickup. We got our bags and Hamzah got an uber. We waited outside, on a bench. Despite it being almost summer, the air was crisp. The big sign of Omaha airport glittered against the morning light. The sun was shining but the wind left my nose a rosy pink. It was already almost eleven, and my stomach grumbled. Next thing on the list after we got to the hotel was to get some lunch. I sighed and picked at my shirt, waiting for the car to come. Hamzah sighed next to me and pulled out his phone. I leaned my head on his shoulder and watched as he went through all his notifications. He went to instagram and read through some of his requested. I frowned as I read them. They were mostly just teenage girls thirsting over him. I almost laughed at this. He went to tiktok to scroll through. I watched with him.

Finally, a small silver car pulled up. A short, stubbly man got out and helped us load our bags into the back. Me and Hamzah climbed into the backseat. His car smelled like cheap air freshener and cigarettes. I sighed again as we pulled out of the airport, driving through the city to the hotel. I pulled out my phone and texted freakshow. Only Chase was there. Claire said she was about to land and Haley was still on the plane. My stomach did another nervous flop as I realized we were about to meet everyone again. I quickly texted them that we were on the way, and put my phone back into my pocket. The drive to the hotel felt like ages. When we finally got there, I almost jumped out of the car. We grabbed our bags from the back and thanked the driver. I looked up at the hotel. It was small and just on the corner of some shopping mall. Me and Hamzah walked up. I checked my phone. We had three rooms again, room 5B 6B and 7B. As we went in, I saw Chase sitting on a chair. I smiled and walked over. He noticed me and I gave him a hug.

"I missed you!" I said. He smiled and he and Hamzah bro-hugged, which made me laugh. Chase had already gotten the keys for all our rooms, so me and Hamzah sat down next to him. We waited for Haley and Closre to come. I checked freakshow and Claire was on her way. Haley had just gotten off her plane and was leaving the airport. We all waited in the lobby, chatting. Finally, Claire walked in. She walked over and I got up to hug her.

"I missed you!" I said. Claire smiled and hugged me back. Hamzah and Chase got up and said hi as well. We all sat back down and waited for Haley.

A couple minutes later Haley walked in, immediately spotting us and hurrying over. I was hesitant to hug her but still did, telling her how much I missed her as well as everyone. We got our things and headed up to the rooms.

After we all got into one of the rooms, we decided to split how we did last time. Chase would get his own, again, Claire and Haley would share, and Me and Hamzah would share as well. We all separated to put away our things. By now, it was one, and I was starving. Me and Hamzah got to our room, throwing our stuff onto the floor. I fell onto the bed. The room was nice, with thin white curtains around a large window, and a big bed with white covers. A bathroom was connected as well as there was a small chair in the corner with a pillow. Hamzah laughed as I groaned, face first into the bed.

"I'm starving," I said, muffled by the covers. Hamzah chuckled and picked me up, which made me squeal. He laughed as he placed me down on the floor. I hit his chest, giggling. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room, where we met Claire and Haley. Chase was coming out of his room. We all agreed on one thing - we were hungry. I googled restaurants in Omaha. I found that there was a chick-fil-a near where we were staying and decided to just drive there. We quickly got into a rental car that Chase had got and drove to the restaurant.

After we all got our food, we drove to a parking lot and chatted, while eating. Chase and Haley were in front, Claire and me were in the two middle strays, and Hamzah had the whole back seat to himself. We all ate while chatting, and laughing. We decided to post a few tiktoks, and made lots for the drafts.

We finished our food and it was about two. We all agreed we were bored and drove around trying to find somewhere to go.  I spotted a small shopping mall and pointed it out. Chase pulled into the parking lot and got out, everyone following. There was a large target right in the middle. We decided to go in. We all walked around, giggling and pointing out random items. We got some random things, laughing so hard I couldn't breath.

We got back to the hotel and all went to me and Hamzahs room to hangout. We filmed several tiktoks and laughed, going on live on freakshow. We decided to do a q and a, resulting in many questions on the live. A couple of them were about Hamzah and me. I looked at Hamzah and whispered.

"Do you think we should like, tell them," I asked. He looked thoughtful but nodded. The phone was propped up against a tissue box on the tv stand. Me and Hamzah were on the floor with Claire, while Haley and Chase were sitting on the couch. I leaned forward to find a comment.

"Are me and Hamzah dating?" I asked, biting my lip. Hamzah nodded.

"Yeah, yeah we are." I said, nodding. I said it casually but this didn't stop the comments from flooding in. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the comments.

omg wait what

We tried changing the topic but eventually gave up and just ended the live. Chase, Claire, and Haley were laughing at us.

"What? We had to tell them sometime," Hamzah complained. I laughed but nodded with him.

I was glad we did that. I felt complete, as if I had a weight off of my chest. I felt good. I held Hamzahs hand as we all sat, just chatting. I was happy.

A/N: SORRY I SAID I WOULD UPDATE LIKE AN HOUR AGO BUT I DIDNT SORRY anyways hope u enjoyed and thanks for the ppl who found my tiktok and my insta ily TYSM FOR THE READS IM SCREAMINF  AHH so tysm comment feedback or ideas!!!!!

☀︎︎𝐻𝑎𝑚𝑧𝑎ℎ - 𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑙𝑦 ☀︎︎Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin