Saturday 1st December [Adrien]

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As the sun began to slide through the gaps in Adrien's blackout blinds he sat up in bed and automatically reached for his phone, hoping and praying something would appear from his little blueberry. Even knowing full well there wouldn't be, that didn't stop him from wishing. Every morning he thought the same hope, every morning he woke up with the same need and this had happened everyday, for the past three hundred of them.

"Morning, what's our plans today?" Plagg flew over, hovering with a stinky piece of Camembert cheese in his hand. It was Saturday which meant no work, no stress and a late night run around Paris in December.

As much as he despised Christmas, he must admit the additional lighting made it all seem more special, more magical and more romantic than what the city already was. Adrien pressed a button next to his bed opening up the blinds and revealing what was left of a long winters night.

The sun was beginning to sweep away the blanket of darkness, meaning another day without Ladybug and Marinette. Plagg no longer quizzed him on his depressed morning state. He knew more than anyone how much Adrien was missing his Lady, he was missing one of his own. Since Adrien and Marinette had gotten closer, and she no longer stuttered around him, the two had spent a lot of time together which meant so had Plagg and Tikki.

He missed his sugarcube as much as Adrien missed his pigtails. Plagg hated that they hadn't revealed and he hated not being able to tell Adrien they were the same girl, but in his heart he knew a reveal was coming soon, it just had to be.

Both heroes were now at an age where it was safer and more able to work both professionally and romantically. When they were young the hormones would have taken over making both vulnerable, but now they were ready. They could have a bond like no other.

"Absolutely nothing." Adrien smiled as he looked up at the ceiling. He was still living in the Agreste Mansion and in his old bedroom. Alone. Adrien's first instinct was to sell the house, but it was his home and his mothers. Adrien wanted her to come back here. He wanted her to be able to return to her home. Adrien climbed out the bed and made his way over to the bathroom.

After a long warm shower, he made his way to the walk in wardrobe situated in his room. One positive of Gabriel's demise was he now got to choose his own clothing and it didn't have to be all Gabriel branded. Weekends were to be celebrated. He could wear what he wanted instead of his normal stuffy suit. Yes, he knew he looked good in it but it wasn't him. It wasn't fun.

Pulling on his extremely worn dark blue jeans and a black jumper edged in a wonderful bright green he felt like he was paying homage to his alter-ego. Chat Noir days were the best days.

As he placed his watch on his wrist he checked the time. Eight am. Time to go to check in with Tom and Sabine. Once Adrien walked downstairs and put on his usual disguise. Black woollen trench coat, leather gloves, black beanie hat and sunglasses. Not only did it keep the fans away, with snow imminent, it also helped with keeping him warm and toasty.

"Morning Adrikins." A voice spoke out from the dining hall.

Even though Adrien lived in the mansion, he didn't live alone. When everything happened with Gabriel, Chloe had been worried about her oldest friend and invited herself and her boyfriend to live with him. Nothing surprised Adrien more than seeing his cousin appear alongside his socialite buddy.

"Morning guys."

"You going to the bakery again?" Felix asked. There was no malice there, just curiosity.

"Yup. The usual Saturday stroll. I'll see you both later."

With that Adrien was out the front door and making his short journey towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery. It was still quite early so the streets had minimum people out on them. The wind was hitting its peak and flowing down the back of his coat. Lifting his collar for extra protection, he cursed himself for not wearing his scarf.

After a fifteen minute walk he was level with his old high school. He stopped and looked over reminiscing about his past experiences there. His first day when he helped Master Fu, the second day when he actually made it into the building and the misunderstanding with Marinette. The fencing classes, the laughter, the fun. The amount of times he skipped class for an akuma.

Finally prying his eyes from his old sanctuary, he turned the corner and stood in front of the Dupain-Cheng bakery. He loved this place. It really felt like a second home. If only a certain bluenette was about to welcome him into its warmth.

"Morning Adrien." Tom was at the counter. This was unusual for a Saturday morning. It was usually Sabine out front and Tom baking fresh loaves of bread in the back.

"Morning Tom, how are you?"

"We're really good, thank you son." The look on Tom's face said more, but he wasn't giving it up. Casually, Adrien walked up to the counter and leant on it. Resting a hip bone on the edge.

"You've heard from her again, haven't you?" Adrien pulled his sunglasses off and knew his eyes were sparkling.

"We may have." Adrien began to bounce from one foot to the other.


"You know I can't tell you anything, Adrien. But this is the greatest news we've heard so far."

"I so hope she's on her way home. I miss her so much."

"We've missed her too, Son." Tom bent down and pulled out Adrien's usual order of croissants and cheese bread, along with a post it note from Sabine.

Thursday evening and Sunday afternoon.

Taking the note off the top of the packaged he let himself smile, a full Chat Noir smile. Perhaps Marinette would be back and he could see her on those days. This was the greatest news Adrien had heard in a while.

"Tell Sabine, thank you and I'll definitely be here."

"I will do. Oh, and errrrmmm... you might want to make sure you look good." Tom gave a wink as Adrien said his goodbyes and left the bakery. That had to mean she was finally coming home. Tom was never good at hiding secrets.

Walking over the road, Adrien settled on a bench in the park. Parents with young children were already together on the merry go round. The thought struck hard that it would be Alya soon, and hopefully Nino too. His friend really needed to buck up and stop being an idiot. Pulling out his phone with a sigh, Adrien tried to call him ... no answer again.

When Alya had announced the pregnancy Nino didn't take it too well. Alya was struggling herself with the news and his reaction just caused her more reason to be anxious than she already was. But Marinette will be back and save the day as always. She really was an everyday Ladybug.

Finishing his third croissant he gave the bakery one last smile before heading towards the city centre. Perhaps it was time for him to stop being a Grinch and do some Christmas shopping.

As he walked out the park he pulled his phone from his pocket sending Nino a text. If he won't answer his best friends call then perhaps he'll respond to a text.

Meet me tomorrow morning, I'm booking a table at Chez Casimir. I'll wait for you at the Gare du Nord exit at 9am. We need to talk.

Adrien sighed, a trail of breath leaving his mouth. He better turn up or Adrien was seriously going to have to hunt him down. With a slight spring in his step, Adrien made his way into the city. The spring had been missing for three hundred days, but he was overjoyed that it was back.

The Meet Cute [An Adrienette Story]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora