I hated the space, but I'll let him be and decided to focus on Jimin. I glared at him, but he brushed me off.

"Just Taehyung? What about me? I knew there was favoritism in this household!"

What the fuck, Jimin?

This my chance to bond and probably flirt the love of my life here! I didn't do this when Yoongi hyung asked you out!

"Hyung! Taehyungie hyung helped me with my project, so I'm only inviting him!"
"I could've helped!"
"But you didn't! You were too busy ogling at my brother's hands!"

That made Jimin shut up and tried to hide his flustered face at such an attack. Hoseok hyung poked his cheeks in a mocking way and he yelped when his hand got slapped away.

"Geez! Just let Kook have his fun, we don't complain when you and Tae are always together 24/7!"
"More like 23/7"

It looked like Hoseok hyung wanted to ask, but also didn't want to know the answer to his question, but Jimin still answered without him asking.

"Need an hour to fantasize about Yoongi's han-"
"Okay! That's enough! You were saying Kook?"

The youngest was a bit confused on what Jimin said, but shrugged it off nonetheless.

"I just wanted to thank hyung for the help he gave me!"

I looked at him with a soft look and patted his hair affectionately.

"Aww, Jungkook! You don't have to"
"But I wanted to!"

But he looked down and mumbled.

"Plus, I want to be with Taehyungie hyung..... just him"

I choked a bit and started coughing. I can see Jimin wiggling his brows at me and I really want to strangle his tiny neck! Hoseok hyung started laughing at my reaction and Jungkook just kept quiet.

"I-I.. uhm.." another cough "I also want.. to hangout with you too... Jungkook"

He smiled widely at me and I can't take my eyes off him. I then heard Jimin sigh.

What now?

"Can't believe you're treating your hyung like this, Jungkookie. I thought you love me"

The youngest turned around and crossed his arms with a huff.

"I only love 2 things! Myself and my hyungs"
"But... aren't I one of your hyungs?"
"You don't look like one"

Oh shit..

Jungkook gave Jimin a teasing smirk, which was hot, while Hoseok hyung held onto Jimin to prevent him from pouncing on the younger.


This is probably my most favorite moment in my life, other than meeting Jungkook. Jimin being bullied, Hoseok hyung struggling to contain him, Jungkook laughing at him.

"Taehyungie hyung, we can go today! Class just ended and we still have a lot of time. What's your favourite ice cream flavour?"

I looked at him with a soft look. Dismissing Jimin's yelling and Hoseok hyung saying "calm down, tiny" which ended up him being attacked by said tiny.

"Strawberry... just like the color of your cheeks when you blush because of me"

He did ended up blushing at that and I chuckled.

Bad Boy? ||TaeKook||Where stories live. Discover now