Hina was wearing a white t-shirt and some black baggy sweatpants. Over that was a dark blue haori. With the kanji of 炎のリーダー on the back of the haori. Hina looked across the street and sighed. When she got the okay to cross the street she walked slow. Hina was walking into a grocery store. To be honest, ever since the company got disbanded things have been lonely for Hina. "I still wish I was a cloud. I need a job." Hina said as she started getting groceries. After Hina was done shopping she walked back to her apartment. When she got onto her floor she was meant with a surprise. "What the hell is that? Oh god." Hina frowned as she seen some people at her door. "Is that Father Kōfuku with them? What does he want?" Hina thought. Father Kōfuku was at Hina's apartment, knocking on her door. "I don't think she's here. Hey Father, is there anywhere else she could be?" Shinra asked. "Why can't I be a cloud. At this point I think the great Sol hates me." Hina whispered to herself. Hina started walking over to where Shinra is. "You three have one minute to leave this building." Hina said as she got her keys out. "Captain!" Kōfuku smiled. "I'm not your captain anymore Father Kōfuku." Hina sighed as she unlocked her door and opened it.

"Can you at least let us in for some tea?" Kōfuku asked. Just as he said that the door slammed shut. "Damn... she's cold." Shinra frowned. Arthur nodded in agreement. They had on casual clothes. Father Kōfuku was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with a beige jacket over it and some black jeans. And of course he wore his necklace with the cross-like insignia as a charm. "Even though she's been your teammate she doesn't want to talk to you?" Shinra asked. "Yes, I can understand why. But... I don't know if we should stay here. Cap- I mean... Miss Shinmon can sometimes have a short temper."  Kōfuku smiled. "I'm sure it can't be that bad compared to to other girls I've met." Shinra said as he started to knock on the door. "Captain Shinmon, we just want to talk to you. Just hear us out from the door at least." Shinra sighed. Just as he said that the door slowly opened. It stopped opening, enough where everyone could see her face. It was horrifying. Hina wasn't even glaring, who knew such a blank stare could scare someone so badly. Shinra started to grin and shake at the same time. "Your minute seems to be up. I hadn't even put my groceries up. I don't know what you all are here for. All I know is... I'll bash you're heads in if you three don't exit this building in the next millisecond." Hina said in the most stoic tone Shinra and Arthur had ever heard. They couldn't move, they were in shock. "Did you hear me? Do I need to fully open this door?!" HIna asked as she opened the door all the way. Shinra and Arthur ran down the hall, then down the stairs. "Latom." Kōfuku sighed as he tented his hands.

"That's the fastest I've seen anyone run due to your devilish stare." Kōfuku laughed. "I know, I don't get what's so scary about one stare. I thought my glare would be scarier." Hina said. "But anyway, I was talking to you too. I don't know why you're hear with some kids but I don't care." Hina sighed. "Please Miss Shinmon. I want to talk to you abou- oh no. I'm sorry!" Kōfuku bowed before quickly walking away. A vein was popping out of Hina's head. "Don't come back." Hina muttered. Hina easily guessed why the three of them were there, and she didn't want to be involved with them. She couldn't loose anyone else, so she decided that pushing everyone away would be better. 

Shinra and Arthur panted as they finally made it outside of the building. "That was no ogress... but a demon." Arthur panted. "Oh would you shut up!" Shinra panted loudly. Soon Kōfuku came out with his hand on his head. "Hey guys, we should head back to the cathedral." Kōfuku sighed. "Now I finally get why Captain Obi said come back after one try, if you want to come back in one piece." Shinra sighed as he looked up at the apartment complex. "But I don't want to give up. I'm trying again." Shinra said before walking back in the building. "Is he okay?" Arthur asked. Kōfuku gave a look of pity and tented his hands. "Latom." He whispered. Soon Shinra came running out the building. "Guys... she said if we don't leave the street... we're going to die." Shinra said as he ran past them. Kōfuku and Arthur looked at him and started running.

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