Chapter Seven - Sleepovers With Sunshine

Start from the beginning

I hesitate for a second before turning back around and going over to my dresser, grabbing one of my hoodies for her to wear. My house gets pretty cold, even though it's only the beginning of Fall. I don't want her to get cold.

Walking back out into the living room, I go back into the fort, seeing Liam, Anna, and Layla already inside. Max has gone to his room already to play video games. I sit back into my spot beside Layla, holding my hoodie out to her. She looks down at it before looking up at me, eyes wide and questioning.

"This house gets really cold, Sunshine. I don't want you to freeze." I tell her softly, placing the navy-blue hoodie in her lap.

She smiles up at me then, eyes darting between my own. "Thank you, Reece." She takes the clothing piece into her hands, pulling it on over her head. Once she is wearing my hoodie, I take a quick second to look her over. I immediately conclude that she looks way better in it than I ever have.

"So, what are we going to watch now?" Liam pipes up, looking between the three of us in question.

"What about Friends?" Anna asks eagerly, wiggling in her seat slightly.

Layla grins, clearly excited, "I love Friends!"

They both look to Liam and me with expectant, pleading looks on their faces. As if we could ever say no to that. When we both nod, they cheer, and we quickly put the first episode on. I rest back against the couch, my eyes darting over to Anna who is snuggled up under Liam's arm. Although I'm okay with whatever is going on between them and I want Liam to finally fess up to her, I still don't like to see them acting all cuddly. It's weird.

A soft nudge to my shoulder pulls me out of my thoughts. Glancing down, I find Layla staring up at me, her green eyes wide and bright under the fairy lights. She sends me a soft smile, murmuring, "You okay?"

I return her small smile with a faint one of my own, eyes scanning her face slowly. "I'm good."

She nods once, biting back a grin, "Good. You shouldn't frown like that, you're getting wrinkles," She teases, pointing to my forehead.

I laugh softly, "You'll never get wrinkles then, Sunshine. You're always smiling,"

I see a grin slowly start to take over her face as she leans back against the couch behind us. I notice how she leans a little closer to me than before. I don't make any move to lean away, in fact, I think I subconsciously move closer to her too.

After a little over an hour, the fourth episode of Friends is just starting, and I'm beyond tired. Anna and Liam fell asleep at the end of the second episode, so now it is only Layla and I still awake. Awake is a bit of a stretch.

As the familiar theme song starts playing again, I look over and see Layla's eyes slowly fluttering closed as she curls up into the blankets further.

"You're not falling asleep on me, are you, Sunshine?" I mumble quietly, shuffling around slightly in an attempt to get more comfortable.

A lazy smile lifts her lips as she blinks her eyes open to meet my gaze. "Not a chance."


A buzzing sound quickly fills the short silence between us and we both look down with furrowed brows. Layla quickly digs out her phone from her pocket, the name Bella lighting up her screen. She furrows her brows, peeling the blankets off of herself. "I'll be right back." She whispers before crawling out of the fort to answer her phone.

My eyes follow her until she disappears from view and I let out a soft sigh. Stretching my arms out, I let out a yawn, flopping over the space Layla has just been sitting in. The larger space makes me feel more relaxed and I feel my eyes starting to close for a moment. Layla soon crawls back into the fort though, lips pulling up into a smile when she sees me.

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