Chapter 13~ Gunther

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I hear nothing. All I can feel is pain as I lay on the ground. The sound of the popped air echos through the barren space. I try to move my hand. It feels numb as I try to wiggle my fingers. I slowly move my other hand over to where the bullet went in. Pain spasms as I try to keep it from bleeding. My whole body trembles. Soon, I can hear screaming coming from the road.

“I heard a gunshot! We know someone’s out here!” Yells someone.” Come out with your hands up!”

From the corner of my eye I see the leader hand over the gun to a worker and tell him to burn it with gas and oil. “Come quickly! Call an ambulance! A child has been shot!”

A policeman from the town rushes over with some others. He takes his walkie-talkie. The others rush to my side.

“Gunther! Oh my god Gunther!” I see them, but everyone is blurry.Their voices sound like there on top of a mountain. It only takes a second before Dad and Daddy are here.

“Gunther! OH my god! Stay still, stay still! The paramedics are on their way. Everythings gonna be okay.” They wrap my side in a sheet from home. It smells like shampoo.

“Fox. . . save her. . .” I stagger. “She . . . she's stuck in the river. . . I pushed her in. . . “ Dad turns to the river and can see her head floating against the edge.

“I’ll get Fox, you stay with Gunther.” He whispers as he sprints to the river. As Daddy repeats that everything will be fine, I watch Dad step onto the bank and pulls Fox out of the water. Someone runs over and wraps her in a blanket. She coughs up water, but is fully unconscious. Dad comes over, holding Fox close.

“I’m. . I’m glad she's . . okay. . “ I wheeze.

“She’s gonna freeze out here. I’m gonna take her home and stay with her. Johan, stay with Gunther.” Dad takes my hand and stares me in the face. I can see tears in his eyes.”I love you Gunther. You’ll be okay. Everything is gonna be fine.” He stands up and hurries back to the town.

I want to tell them who shot. Who caused all the Maugham. But it feels as if my lungs are covered in glue. I can barely breathe, let alone yell at Daddy to say who shot me. At this point, the paramedics have come and ar lifting me in a stretcher. Pain pounds through me as they roll me into the ambulance. Daddy comes in with us. By now my head is spinning and everything I look at is distorted. About a billion tubes are stuck into my arm and I go numb very quickly. Three guys are poking around where the bullet was and Daddy is just holding my hand on the other side, telling me that I’m brave and I’m gonna be fine.. The drive is exceptionally long since we’re off to the city with me. Every bump makes pain flash in me for a second before the morphine drip kicks in, slipping me into a dazed state. They put a mask over my face and explain to me what they’re doing. I don’t catch much of it.

“. . .surgery. . .you lost . . . lot of blood. . Blade broken. . . .the surgeon. . .in place.“

“You’re lucky. . survive gunshot. . . . You . . .  scars. “

The only voice I catch is Daddy’s, who tells me we’re here and that he'll explain it again later when I'm up to it.

I watch as they roll into the ER. Everyone is screaming. I catch the horrified stare from a young woman as I roll by, splattered In crimson. They put me in a bed pull off my shirt. It’s been cut and coated in blood. It’s a shame, they were my last clean set. Tonight was laundry night. Another massive amount of tubes are shoved into me and a new mask is put on me. I can’t see Daddy anymore. I beg for him.

“Daddy. . .Daddy come here. Where are you? I’m hurt and I can’t find Fox. Daddy please.” I beg like a child. The doctors try to calm me down.

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