1 - Villain kids

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2 months after getting stuck on the isle.

Fueled with anger Romana chased a boy that tried to steal her bag. "Give that back to me right now!" She shouted while dodging the people standing in her way, luckily for her she was a fast runner and when the girl got close to the boy she jumped on his back and they both landed on the floor.

Romana got up quickly and took back her bag. "How dare you steal this from me." She said while checking if the bag hadn't been damaged.

The boy laughed while trying to stand up, his arm got damaged a little during the fall. "I'm Jay, son of Jafar and I believe we haven't seen each other before."

"Oh what a wonderful life I had." She replied coldly and wiped some dirt off the bag.

"What's so special about that old thing, there wasn't anything in it anyway." The boy asked as he finally managed to get up.

"That sweetie is my business and unless you want to end up with another damaged limp I suggest you stay away from me" The dark one's daughter didn't notice how similar she sounded to her father.

"Is there a problem?" Said an unknown voice. Romana turned to see who it belonged to and saw a girl with purple hair approach her together with two other people.

"Besides this guy not being able to keep his hands to his own stuff you mean." Romana took a look at the other people, one of them was a very pretty girl with blue hair and the other person was a boy who had white hair and a face filled with freckles.

The girl with purple hair laughed in an evil way that sounded very forced. Romana wanted to say something about it and how embarrassed she was for her but the purple-headed already continued speaking "You're evil, I like it."

"You and I have a very different definition of evil" Romana replied and thought about the terrible things she had seen back in the enchanted forest.

The girl ignored her comment and introduced herself "I'm Mal, daughter of Maleficent." She said proudly.

"And I'm Evie!" the girl with blue hair who was standing next to mal said with a beautiful smile "Daughter of The Evil queen."

"Carlos, my mother is Cruella de Vil," the boy with freckles said "And that loser behind you is-"

"He's introduced himself," Romana cut him off "And if you don't mind I have to go back to my papa... Rumplestiltskin"

She actually thought these people -except for the boy that tried to steal her bag- seemed pretty cool but she was currently not in the mood to make friends, all she wanted was to go home and keep looking for her brother as soon as possible.

Evie gasped "I heard that he did lots of terrible things!" Romana nodded "Well, he's done way worse back where we come from." To which Mal responded "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Romana looked at her broken watch that stopped working a long time ago and lied "The clock is ticking.. I gotta go.."

"Wait!" Carlos said rather fast "I didn't catch your name."

"That's because I never said it." She winked before leaving the four strangers.

Only two weeks later she got reunited with those same kids while she was on her way to the border to stare at Auradon, like every morning, and saw Mal spray painting a wall. Romana was gonna to say that it looked pretty but then remembered she wasn't allowed to be too nice on this Isle.

"Hey! It's you again!" Carlos said excitedly, he reminded Romana of a puppy which was kinda amusing. "The one and only" She joked.

Romana felt guilty about the way she treated these people before and decided to apologize "Sorry about the other day," She said "That bag belonged to someone special and I didn't like the thought of losing it."

"Don't worry about it," Jay slapped her back "You earned some good points with the others VK's on the Isle." His hand slowly made his way to the watch on her wrist. Romana pulled her arm away from him "If you dare to touch any of my stuff again I will make sure you choke on your own blood."

Mal laughed again in that forced evil way, this time it was slightly better "I like your spice girl, how would you like to join our gang."

Romana -who was less cranky than last time- realized that maybe it would be nice to have some friends, especially if she was gonna have to be stuck on this Isle for longer and accepted the offer.

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