Chapter 1- Living Life and Loving It

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Chapter 1

"Alex! Come on! You can't be late for your first day!" My dad's scratchy morning voice drifted up the stairs and under my door, waking me from a peaceful sleep.

I groaned as I sat up in my bed, looking at my alarm clock on the bed side table. It told me it was only 6:30, leaving me an hour to get ready. I forced my tired legs to pull me out of bed and into the bathroom. The bright lights around my mirror assaulted my eyes as I switched them on. Squinting, I turned away from the harsh light and started running the water for my shower.

After waking myself with the warm water shooting out of the shower head, I wrapped myself in a big fuzzy towel and began to fix my hair. I scrunched the straight bleach blonde pieces of hair that were framing my face into little waves and covered them with a light coat of hairspray.

Now you probably wouldn't think I'm such a girly girl because I play football. I'm not, but I'm not a total boy either. Sure I care about my looks sometimes, but it's definitely not what my world revolves around.

I put on a little make-up, mostly consisting of concealer and mascara. Then I stepped out of my bathroom and back into my bedroom. The bright blue walls that surrounded me calmed my nerves about the tryouts that were approaching at the end of the day. My walls were plastered with posters of NFL football players form Tom Brady to Tim Tebow. All of their faces staring back at me gave me the inspiration I needed.

Turing away from my idols, I walked into the closet and swapped my towel for a light blue tank top, a pair of white shorts, and black sandals. I surveyed myself in the mirror before stepping out of my closet. I had long blonde hair and blue eyes. I had pretty fair skin, and well developed muscles for a sophomore girl. Football really paid off in that department. I was fairly tall, definitely not short.

I stepped out of my closet and grabbed my backpack and sports bag. My backpack was full of the school supplies that I would need to get me through the year. My sports bag though, was really light. All it contained was my cleats and helmet. The school would give us the other padding and jerseys for tryouts.

I left my bedroom and pounded down the stairs the let to the living room. I looked around for a sign of my dad or brother, nothing. So I walked into the kitchen to see them both waiting for me.

"Ready for tryouts?" My brother, Jake, asked me while shoving half a waffle into his mouth. Jake is twenty-three and currently in college. He came home this week because 'he wanted to support me for tryouts.' That's pretty much a load of B.S. He just wanted to get out of school.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I responded, taking my usual seat at the bar while my dad handed me breakfast. One egg, sunny side up of course, and three pieces of bacon. he then filled a glass with orange juice and slid it across the table to me.

"Breakfast of champions." Dad joked as he leaned against the counter.

I picked up one of my greasy pieces of bacon and had finished half of it when a loud honk interrupted me. Jordan!

"Shit." I muttered before shoving bacon into my mouth and downing my orange juice. I put both my bags over my shoulders and sprinted towards the front door.

"Good luck honey!" My dad called after me.

"Give em' hell!" I heard Jake yell as I slammed the door shut behind me.

Jordan's blue honda was waiting for me in the driveway. I sprinted over and threw all my bags into the back seat, plopping myself in the front seat next to him. Jordan has been my best friend since eighth grade. He had dark brown hair that he flipped to one side and the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. Brighter than mine even. He also happens to be the only person at Brookview that knows I play football. He's actually the only other sophomore trying out with me.

"Ready for tryouts today?" He asked while smiling at me. I nodded as he pulled out of my driveway, my nerves instantly flooding my whole body once more. I started wringing my hands, something I did when I got nervous.

Jordan looked down at my hands, grabbed them with his, (leaving the wheel unattended might I add) and pulled them apart, placing them on either side of my body.

"Don't be nervous. You're gonna kick ass today. Okay?" He said.

"Okay. Thanks Jordan. I really needed that." I said, smiling at him since I couldn't hug him without making us wreck.

"You're welcome. That's what I'm here for. Besides, you're better than half the guys that played for varsity last year. You will definitely make the team."

I didn't respond to that. I din't want to get cocky. It would screw with my head and affect my playing.

When Jordan pulled into one of the only available parking spaces left at the school, I followed him all the way up to the front doors of the huge high school.

"First day as a sophomore." I sighed, smiling to myself.

"Let's make it count." Jordan said, smiling back at me.

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