Chapter 7- It Was An "Accident"

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It's been a week since the whole running incident. Hunter hasn't really said anything to me and has just treated me like the rest of the team. But we have our first game tomorrow. He has got to be planning something.

    Things between Jordan and I haven't really changed. Maybe I was just dreaming when he 'kissed me'. I mean, I was really exhausted so it could have happened.

    In school most people have heard about the girl on the football team. Surprisingly,  most of them seem okay with it. I've only gotten crap from a few of the snobby bitches, and Hunter of course, but everyone else thinks it's kind of cool.

    The game tomorrow is kind of freaking me out.  We're playing Riverside, the team we played in the championships last year. First, I've got Hunter to worry about. Second, what if we lose and I get my spot as Quarterback taken away? The team seems to be accepting me pretty well and we work good together. We might actually have a chance tomorrow.

    I was in Chemistry listening to the teacher lecturing us about not sticking gum under the desks when HUnter walked into the room carrying his books and a small pink slip of paper. He handed it to the teacher who then pointed to the empty seat next to mine.

    Hunter looked at the seat, then at me, then back at the seat. He walked over and sat down, dropping his books on the table with a loud bang in the process. The teacher started up again but I continued to stare at Hunter. He turned to me and narrowed his eyes.

    "Problem Hays?" He asked, putting a slightly scary edge on his voice.

    "None at all. What are you doing here?" I retorted.

    "Got kicked out of AP Chem. And that concerns you because?" Damn, someone's on their period.

    "Just asking." I said, turning in my chair to face the front and block out Hunter. God I hate that boy. Not I have to deal with him for another whole hour every day.

    When the bell finally rang to signal the end of the day I practically sprinted out of the classroom. I had to get away from Hunter, even if for just a few minutes.

    Jordan was waiting for me at my locker like normal. I blew air through pursed  lips and yanked my bags out of my locker. I slammed the door shut and began to walk to the gym.

    "Hey, Alex what the hell is going on?" Jordan stepped in front of me so I was forced to stop. His eyebrows were furrowed and concern etched through his features.

    "Hunter is in my Chem class now. he sits right next to me." I grumbled.

    "Damn it. Alex just don't let him get in your head. You're so much better than he is. We've got a game tomorrow and that's all you need to be worrying about, okay? Hunter will get better in time, I promise." He threw his arm over my shoulder and walked me to the locker room.


    "To prepare for the game tomorrow we will be doing a sort of scrimmage. Offense against defense. This will help us get used to running our plays in a game situation. Go set up for Blue." Coach instructed the offense.

    Blue was a simple play where the receivers ran a unique route almost guaranteed to get them open every time. All I had to do was look for someone to pass to, and get the ball down the field.

    We ran Blue without a single problem and coach walked out onto the field, gathering the offense around him.

    "That will most likely be our main play tomorrow. Now I want you to run Pitch Back. Alex, run the ball this time. Guards and Tackles, make sure she has a clear path and do not let her get hit. Got it?"

    My heart leapt into my throat as I processed his words. THis would be the first time I would have to fully depend on Hunter to protect me. I looked over at him to see a smirk playing on the corner of his lips. No no no.

    "Don't worry Alex, we won't let anything happen to you." Jordan said, laying a hand on my shoulder.

    "Go out and run this like I know you can. And do not let Alex get hit." Coach instructed.

    I stood on shaky legs and waited for everyone to get into their positions.

    "Hike!" I yelled to Parker, trying my best to keep my fear from showing in my voice. He snapped the ball and it landed right in my hands. Travis ran behind me and took the ball from my hands. I watched as he ran along the line of scrimmage and the majority of the defense followed him. Right before he was caught he threw the ball back to me. I put my head down and ran straight through the pocket that HUnter and Jordan were supposed to be clearing for me.

    I don't know who it was but he came from the left. Hunter's side. He plowed into me and sent my brain rattling in my head and my body flying to the ground. A sickening crack sounded from somewhere on my body. A burning pain erupted in my left hand. The weight of my tackler was lifted off of me and I heard several rushed apologies coming from him. It was John, one of the Linebackers.

    My attention was turned from him to my wrist. I tried to bend it and a strangled scream made it's way up my throat and through my lips. My brain pounded against my skull as I tried to think. No this can't be happening. We have a game tomorrow!

    "Alex! Are you okay? What hurts?" Jordan crouched next to me as I sat up/ He took my mangled wrist in his hands and shouted for someone to go get the medical trainer from his office. I gritted my teeth  against the pain and tried to keep the tears from leaking down my face. I couldn't look bad in front of Hunter. Where was he anyways?

    I scanned the crowd around me to see coach standing next to Hunter who had thrown his helmet on the ground in frustration,

    "What the hell Michaelson! You just stood there and let her get tackled! Are you trying to get her hurt? You didn't even do anything!Go sit on the bench and we'll finish this conversation after I make sure she's okay."

    Jordan left my side without me even noticing. He caught up with Hunter and spun him around by his shoulder.

    "This is your fault? What the hell is your problem?" Jordan yelled. He raised his fist and nailed Hunter in the jaw. Hunter turned to hit him back, but Jordan was already jogging back to me. Coach was glaring at Jordan but soon turned back to look at my wrist. I really hope Jordan doesn't get in trouble too.

    Coach pulled my helmet off for me and sat it on the ground. The subtle action made my head pound even harder. I winced as he turned my head to face him.

    Braden came pushing through the crowd with Eric, the medical trainer, right behind him. Eric knelt next to me and grabbed my wrist. He looked it over with meticulous eyes and then turned to me.

    "We'll need to get this x-rayed. Let me check for a concussion and then we can get your wrist taken care of. Look at my eyes." He told me. I locked eyes with him and everyone around us went silent. His eyebrows furrowed as he turned back to coach.

    "Um, we may have a problem." He said.

    And that is when I passed out.

**Cliffhanger! Un oh! Whats gonna happen to Alex!? Hmm.. Do any of you actually read these things? Haha comment 'Purple Hippo' if you did! Anyways, next update should be soon. Stay lovely!**

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