chapter one

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Third Person P.O.V

"Where are we going auntie?" Zhou asked as he was particularly kidnapped by his aunt.

"You'll see as soon as we get there, now let me fix this... "Aunt Mikasa said as she leaned over to tie Zhous tie correctly. Zhengzhou rolled his eyes as he persistent aunt fixed his crooked tie. He already knew that she was probably taking him somewhere to meet a blind date like she usually does.

"Oh! We're here!" She giggled excitedly as they entered a big spooky looking mansion, Zhou raised an eyebrow at his aunt and she just mouthed 'it's a surprise' .

They got out of the car and a strong scent hit him, his head began to throb.....Rogues, he hated the smell of those disgraceful creatures.


"I know I know, just trust me darling" she said as she made her way into the huge house, he followed behind her making sure to let his presence be know if these rogue wolf's muster up the courage to challenge him. Aunt Mikasa knocked on the door three times and waited for it to open, after that the door opened to reveal a tall blonde man with glossy green eyes.

"Mikasa! It's nice to see you again" the loud rogue smiled, then turning his gaze to Zhengzhou.

"You know you can stop that now, no one here would try to challenge you, a dominant Alpha, Zhengzhou Wang " the blonde man smirked and Zhou gritted his teeth.

"Anywho, let me show you what you came here for,his way Alphas" the blonde man turned around and started walking, Zhou and Aunt Mikasa followed suit. They followed him upstairs where there were rooms with different numbers on them but they stopped at a door at the end of the hallway that was marked 779.

"Hold these" the blonde man handed them two table tennis looking things with numbers on them, the he opened the door and they went inside. Inside the room was gigantic and there were lots of wealthy men sitting around at tables, some of the Zhou recognize to be world leaders and politicians. Their gaze focused on a stage in the far corner of the room surrounded by glass, in side were.....prostitutes.

"Aunt Mikasa what the hell is this!?!" Zhou fumed because there were children as young as 7 on the stage as well.

"This is not what we came for Daniel" Mikasa turned to the blonde man, he smiled.

"Oh the show's just about to start" as soon as he said that all the people on the stage were quickly removed and the lights went out. The blonde man gestures for them to sit and Mikasa complied but Zhou remained standing. Although he does not partake in this type of disgusting activity he was curious and had faith that his aunt brought him here for a reason.

The lights then fixed on the stage where now 7 men were stand still, dressed in lingerie and had their hands tied, their heads covered with a bag and some of them were shaking uncontrollably except for one, the one in the middle rocked side to side and he seemed to be humming a song. Some men took off the bags covering their faces and cut loose their hands, Zhous eyes widened at hoe breathtaking the dark skin one looked. He squinted his eyes as they adjusted to the light the fully opened them revealing his light brown eyes that portrayed his annoyed and bored look.

"Ladies and gentlemen, these 7 men are subjects that I have raised since they were toddlers. Each of them are virgins but are highly skilled on how to please their partners, either be it men or women." Someone said over speakers. "The bidding will start now" the person announced.

At first they started with the one on the left side corner and slowly but surely they reached the guy in the middle, that's when Zhou started betting.

"Starting off at $15k for Darion, going once-"

Someone raised their table tennis looking thing and Zhou right after.

"$20k going to the man in the black hat"

"$50k going to the man standing up"

"$79k going to the man in the black hat"

"$1 million going to the man standing up"

"$4 million going to the man in the black hat!"

"$8 mill going to the man standing up.....going once, going twice.....gone! To the man standing up!"

Zhengzhou had successfully taking part in human trafficking.

"Hmmm, like that one eh dear?" Aunt Mikasa winked, Zhou rolled his eye and headed to the back to get his 'prize'.

"I'll transfer the money tomorrow at 6am, where is he?" Zhou said annoyed.

"Woah, hasty to get a peice of him aren't you Alpha? You have good taste but this one is a lot to handle" the blonde man chuckled.

They brought out Darion and that's when Zhou felt it, a sharp electricity run through his veins as he took in the sweet scent of the god sent boy in front of him.

"Well would you look at that, you're my fucking mate lol" Darion remarked.

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