Bad Jokes And Pranks

Start from the beginning

Your POV

Today is April Fools Day. I may be a jokester but the only major problem is I get involved and irritated by showing all those slackers who tries to make fun of me behind my back and I hate it. It gives me temper tantrum.

If I get really mad all the time, I might blow my gumballs and it's making me furious. Why do I have to deserve this piece of keyboard crap? Surrounded by morons in public that I put on so much hate to others while I was minding my own personal business.

They all think I'm the boss of my work. I told them bad jokes and I only speak sarcasm in an annoyed way when I'm about to say something or any kind of conversation like I did nothing wrong, just in case to hide my anger.

I have extreme anger issues and severe temper because growing up is difficult for me, I don't know. But...what really infuriates me is when those people who tell stories about me. I just give them a cold dead-eye glare and walk away.

Counting 1 to 10....make it 100 above. That's the only point on how to deal with my anger and I cope with it. If I reached to the higher number, I'm so mad that I might explode to bits like a bomb. I can feel a strong aura that dwells deep within me.

I sense a powerful rage as I walked, causing the entire grass burn to ashes as if were footprints from under my feet. Grunting angrily, hands balled up into fists, hot sweat on my head. My pure hatred is like a volcanic heat.

A wildfire, a nuclear explosion or an inferno....that symbolizes for rage. It made my blood boil, overpressured by my karma. I throw hissy fits at the ones who bullied me. I destroyed, broked and wreck everything that I don't like.

Throw random stuff as my whole body temperature is rising. I then suddenly become very violent like a wild animal predator looking for prey. I screamed, shouted, yelled and roared at the top of my lungs if I let my anger out. It felt like an earthquake.

I am such a monster...I pulled bad jokes, painful pranks and the consequences I caused that affected me too much and it influences every fiber of my own being. I have gone too far for this nonsensical stupid game. I don't care at all and I get really every time they ignored me.

Why? Because I'm deeply offended. Of course if I were a boss, I should just stand up and scold at my workers and yelled 'YOU'RE FIRED!!' or 'and I'll be like...GET BACK TO WORK!!'. Now I've done it. They're all afraid of me, scared and frightened.

Note: Play the video now. His face is so priceless!! (Warning: There's a deleted scene when Benson pulled out a real gun and shoots Rigby. Too mature content for kids!). 🔫🔫🔫

I have a hard time of handling myself individually. My anger is giving me a headache, feel the bloody scars all over my body. Some who didn't listen to me. This horrid temptation is driving me insane. Keep it together, you still got a few lives left. Just perfect...

I don't know how to settle things down. What am I trying to do, pass the salt?! Well, this is stupid and unbelievable. I know I couldn't trust them idiots. I don't care who's responsible for this pile of dirty mess. But this would've happen if those guys had done their jobs.

My Guardian Angel (Angel!Link x Religious!Reader Oneshots) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now