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Note: 'HXL' means hate or love. This story also has some obsessive love disorder. Be warned!!

I'm scared because...

I don't want anyone else
To have your heart
I don't want anyone else
To kiss your lips

I don't want anyone else
To be in your arms
I don't want anyone else
To be the one you love

I'm scared because...
I don't want anyone else
To take my place

Your POV

I'm a typical LoZ fan. I get really jealous about my relationship when it comes to love or hate. I was being obsessed with boys, the ones who I adored much but not exactly. They never notice me in the background because I have a very bad temper which I wasn't interested.

I know, being a girl sucks. What I hate about it is when some of the girls who likes the boy I ever loved, I balled my fists as I gritted in fury and watch them kiss....in front of me. I didn't say a word or do anything. I just stay silent like a statue. It made my head boil.

Most of the times when some boys who doesn't want to be with me, I started to think negative thoughts. Dreams about him now turning into nightmares and my fantasy paradise is faded away like a mirage. A vision or some kind of a psychedelic hallucination.

When I have to go see a therapist, my emotions are bottled and now they are affected with bad influence which it made my behavior changed entirely in a worst way. I have an obsessive love disorder....a mental sickness I get so jealous or obsessed with.

It also leads me to being psychopathic or in a deep breakdown. In public when other people told me about my love life, I felt my skin went pale, eyes are shown in a shock as my brain starts to view all the psychological flashbacks of my past relationship. I gripped my head in my both hands, my eyes closed tight.

And what's worse than that is my brain hurts in a damage like I have a terrible tendency of traumatic experiences. My memories are rewinded in backwards. I was rejected, pushed around and being stabbed by a wooden stake to my heart. The part where I found a boy who used to be my suitor to court me.

But he likes someone else who's better instead of me. How am I gonna do that in the next part? My heart is going to break anytime soon and my plans are nothing but a complete disruptive mess. I tried and tried to impress him....but then, I failed to win his heart.

I turned around in shame as I let my head down and walk away. That was the moment my relationship has broke to pieces and my whole world is now crumbled to the ground. My love life is over. Well, I guess he's happy without having me around.

I went into a terrible heartbreak. My parents are trying their best to make me happy. I cried at night and I also thought about him when I get to sleep. But why me? That was the first time I broke with him. I don't have the guts to tell him how I ever felt this way.

I just couldn't imagine it. When I could read a romance novel in my junior high school years, it reminds me of him and gives me traumatic experiences too. My emotions are in a mix which leads me to being bipolar, dysfunctional and a bit schizophrenic. I suddenly lost my mind.

Romance is weighing me down and it's pushing me to the horrible abyss as if were a purgatory I was trapped there. It doesn't matter right now. Just look at him, all the screaming girls here and there when questions have pop out in my head. What's he so happy about? Does he really forget me?

Whispers began to linger inside my mind as if he didn't like me anymore. I gripped my head tight trying to prevent the noises that are too loud but no one hears it. Just an evil voice has disturbed my inner temples. It's strong enough than under the fiery pits of an inferno.

My Guardian Angel (Angel!Link x Religious!Reader Oneshots) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now