Janus + remy

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Janus is very clingy and overprotective of everyone, doesn't matter whether or not you are a child or an adult, if you're a close friend or someone he knows he will be overprotective

Janus is actually terrified of the dark, refusing to sleep unless his nightlight is on or he's cuddling someone

Janus is cold blooded and often sleeps with a bunch of blankets on in the winter and will still be cold until an electric blanket is found

Janus is actually pretty shy, putting up a confident façade when in reality he was so terrified that he would mess something up

(this one was originally a joke I had) Remy owns a motherfucking gun

Remy is actually an insomniac, but he does sleep rarely, and when he does he often leans against someone

When Remy is pissed off his eyes will glow orange

Remy will often steal Janus's hat just to mess with him

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