Chapter 21: Glace

Start from the beginning

The four walked out, Kumajirou wanted to stay home but Canada didn't trust the bear home alone and so he brought the poor bear along. He grabbed some sleds out of the garage and gave one to each, Russia didn't take one though, he didn't plan to go sledding. They walked over to the hill, America ended up running ahead as England ended up falling behind as they climbed through the snow. America ran ahead up the hill and sat there like he was king of the mountain and waited for the others. Canada followed up second, Russia behind him, and England coming up behind.

They stood at the top waiting for the Brit to hurry his ass up and get there. Once he finally did make it up, America tripped him and he fell into the sled. After that, after a running start, he pushed the Brit down the hill at full speed until he crashed into a snow pile. Canada stood there with wide eyes as Russia stood there confused while America stood there laughing.

England slowly got out of the snow pile, his head got stuck in it, and fell backwards after he did. America smiled and jumped on his sled. "Al. What are you doing?" Canada asked. America gave a devilish smirk.

"Mattie. You know I snowboard!" America jumped back and got a running start, then jumped back onto the sled and slid down the hill laughing. Canada stood there shaking his head at his crazy brother's actions then realized America was heading right towards Britain. England quickly jumped out of the way as America slid into the snow pile. He fell into it but laughed. "That was awesome! Hahaha!" England sat there panicked, he could of run England over for Pete's sake! England made a snow ball and threw it at the American then sat there with his arms crossed. America smirked and threw one that was triple the size England threw and slammed it on the Brit's head, covering him in it. Canada decided to take a seat on his sled and put Kumajirou on with him.

"Want me to push you?" Russia joked. Canada giggled a bit.

"Could you please?" He smiled. That damn smile again, Russia loved to see that smile now, he could of even felt butterflies in his stomach, but that must have been his imagination. Russia put his foot on the back of the sled. "You're actually going to push me?"

"I don't see why not." Russia said. "Just don't flip over and crash da?"

"Alright." Canada said and hung onto the sled and Kumajirou. Russia pushed the boy off with his foot and he went flying down the hill, all that from his foot too.

Canada slid into the snow pile too, but protected Kumajirou against it because he knew the bear would be crushed by the heavy snow. Russia smiled and walked down the hill to the others. England and America were in the middle of an epic snowball fight as Canada got up off the sled.

That's where things mess up yet again.

America tried to make another snowball until he fell backwards and into Canada. Canada dropped Kumajirou and fell backwards too. Instead of falling into the snow and sitting there like America, he fell back and slid, he was on ice.

"Mat don't move!" America yelled. He quickly got up and started running to get his little brother until Russia stopped him.

"You go on the ice and you will end up breaking it. The ice is thin, it's not cold enough for it to be thick." Russia said.

"We need to get him off it!"

"Not like that." Russia looked toward Canada. "Canada slowly get up, put even weight on your legs alright?"

"Easier said then done." Canada said, he was scared now. He fell through ice before, it wasn't fun, he barely survived the first time when he was little, he didn't want to fall through again. Canada tried getting up though, carefully making sure he was putting even weight down, hearing the ice crack at some places.

"England. You're light weight. Step on the ice and try to grab Canada's hand okay?" Russia said. England first hesitated but carefully stepped onto the ice.

"That's a bad idea." America said.

"Have you been on ice before America?" Russia said with a tone, America shook his head. "Then you don't know what to do. Shut up." America was silent after that.

England slowly and carefully stepped more onto the ice as Canada tried to keep even weight down. England slowly reached out his hand as Canada tried reaching for England's. They got closer, England could almost touch the boy's fingers as he slowly slid on more. Just then, the ice cracked and Canada fell through.

"Mat!" America yelled. Russia got the urge to jump on and grab the boy out but that would only but him and England at the risk now. England acted fast though and he quickly slid over and reached in to grab Canada. He couldn't see him at first until Canada swam back up and tried to get up. He gasped for air and England quickly grabbed his hand and started to pull him out, the ice started cracking under him now too.

"Hurry up!" Russia called, his concern grew more as Canada was pulled out. England finally pulled the boy out and started bringing him back to land. Canada shivered and shook, his lips were practically blue, as well as his face. England helped him on and Russia quickly took his jacket off and put it on Canada. He then grabbed him and tried to warm him up. "Are you alright?"

"Merde that's cold!" He gasped. "Shit!" Russia grabbed onto him more, almost like a hug, and tried to use his body heat to warm the boy.

"You're out of it now." Russia said. "You're okay." He tried comforting the clearly scared boy, he wouldn't stop shaking.

Just then America realized it. Russia wasn't a threat to Canada at all, he actually cared for him. He got a mixed feeling of depression and shame as he looked away from the two, he had to stop getting involved. England was right, his jealousy and selfishness took over.

Russia took the boy home, he ended up carrying him on his back to get back quick. After that, Canada changed out of the wet clothes and got into warm dry ones. Russia then peeked in and wrapped a blanket around him. Canada wasn't blue anymore but he still shook a bit. "Are you alright?" Russia asked.

"Y-Yea. I'm fine." Canada said and snuggled into the blanket more. "That wasn't the first time I fell through ice."

"It's terrible isn't it?" Russia said.

"Yeah." He agreed.

"It's like a thousand knifes stabbing you all over your body."

"That is completely accurate." Canada said. "You've fallen through?"

"Da. Multiple times." Russia said. "Just keep warm da?"

"Okay." Canada said. Russia put the blanket on the boy more.

"I'll get you something hot to drink. Hot chocolate?"

"Yes please."

"Alright. Stay put." Russia said before leaving.

Kumajirou jumped onto the bed with Canada and snuggled up to the Canadian, he was worried about his owner again. "I'm fine Kuma." He said.

"Stupid hamburger boy." Kumajirou said.

"It was an accident. It wasn't his fault." Canada said.

If anyone is to blame, it's Winter's fault.

OOOOOthank you~

First off, this is influenced by "Giving In" By Artificial. We did talk it over and the author has given me permission to start it like this.

I do not own the characters used in this nor do I own the anime they come from.

Soooo yeah~. I added a little thing about the country of Canadia-

But yeah~ So Russia's getting to the point where he's realizing he liked Canada but he doesn't want to accept it, cause he's Russia and Russia don't care bout anything (except Vodka and sunflowers, and his sisters apparently, or just Ukraine...)

So America screwed up again. Pff. America baka!



Da: Yes


Glace: ice

Ne me blesse pas à nouveau!: Don't hurt me again!

Merde: Shit

RusCan: Snowy RelationshipsWhere stories live. Discover now