Chapter 26:Final

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Kevin's P.O.V

/Kevin: The entire time I have been here was a nightmare. The entire world now knows I got my parents killed. The only bright side is that I have a beautiful girlfriend named Heather./

/What will I be remembered for? I guess maybe for my nickname Mr.Nice and from saying Heather from getting shaved bald./

"Now it's time to welcome the twenty campers who did not make it to the finales," Chris said as all the camper walked by. "Would everyone who's walked the dock of shame and left camp on the boat of losers kindly take a seat in the peanut gallery of failure."

"The aide you choose should represent who you would like to cheer on to victory in today's final competition," Chris said.

The only person who walked over to my bleachers was Heather. I guess it was understandable since nobody likes Heather for her behavior so nobody would want to sit anywhere near her.

"Gwen, Owen, Kevin, this is your chance to tell the peanut gallery of failure what you would do with the money if you won," Chris said."And why you deserve it."

"Well, I guess I'm pretty proud of getting this far. I mean maybe if I can survive here the rest of high school won't be so bad," Gwen said. "I guess I would go traveling and then to a university for to study art history. "

"Wow, that really sweet," Chris said. "Boring but sweet. Kevin?"

"I would use the money to help the orphanage be able to make room for all the kids and afford more food. Then use it later to buy my own place when I'm too old for the orphanage," I said.

"Nice," Chris said.

Owen then went on about a yacht and half of Gwen's people and I saw Heather was debating to stay on my side or go to Owen's side.

'Maybe I should drop out. Since I barely have anyone cheering for me.'

"You know what I'm going to quit," I said. "I only have one person cheering for me."

"You sure?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, Heather my queen you can go and cheer for Owen. I know you want to," I said walking over to the bleacher with my flag on it.

"You're sure you want to drop out? Heather asked.

"Yeah," I said sitting down on the bleacher.

"Alright, then I will be cheering for Owen," she said.

I nodded and took out my phone decided to look through my messages and see if any of my friends from the orphanage texted me since I been away on this show.

I saw one message from my best friends Zoey and Alex in a group chat we made together. I quickly text them back.

I then looked back up to see how the challenge was going down.

"Yeah, Owen! We wanna party!" Geoff shouted.

"You're gonna get one!" Owen yelled as everyone shouted for him.

"Go, Gwen!" Leshawna shouted. "Kick his butt, girl!"

"You can do it, Gwen!" Trent yelled. "Come on, Gwen, you got this!" Owen managed to get his flag first but made loud screeching noises as he went down as Gwen got down faster.

Gwen was already starting on the second part of the challenge as she walked on the plank with her egg in her hands. Owen slowly moved onto the long plank in follow.

Gwen lost her balance but got it together quickly. I heard a loud caw from a bird.

"What was that?!" Gwen shouted. I looked up to see Eagles. In the middle of it, I saw Duncan and Courtney kiss each other which made me roll my eyes seriously there kissing during the final challenge. Whatever I guess it not like there in it.

Everyone Deserves love (Heather x Oc) (Book 1) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now