Chapter 7: Cooler Twins?

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I landed on my back, in the forest behind where the tent of telepathy is. "Who are you?," someone who sounded like Mabel said condescendingly from behind me, I got up slowly, "Depends, who's asking" I said not yet facing them. "I'm Mabel Gleeful, now who are you" said the  voice then I bust out laughing and turned, there was a girl who looked like Mabel, but wearing clothes more likely found on me, during a performance day at my tent of telepathy. when I saw her a big blue amulet appeared behind my eyes, with a star that looked like Mabel's just black white and blue. I burst out laughing again, and reached into my pocket grabbing my amulet and fastening it to the collar of my dress shirt well I recovered, I then quickly dusted my self off and said "M, you can call me M" "MABEL COME ON WE NEED TO GET TO THE MANSION" yelled someone who sounded like if Dipper was cooler, then he came around the corner, and saw the amulet on my collar, then he simply asked "Gleeful?"  my only reply was a small nod as I watched a black pine tree silhouette and a glowing blue Big dipper appear over his head, "Which dimension?" Mabel asked. "46'\, my dimension is the reverse of this one." "Welcome to Reverse Falls, new friend" said reverse Mabel. 

-Will's POV-

the girl talking with the Gleefuls was odd, 1; she had a matching amulet, all though it was red and she partially explained it 2; she had gold eyes, generally odd, 3; blue hair, could be dyed, but no flaws or roots visible, 4; power, she had lots of power, not just from the amulet, 5; Bill, she made a deal with him, and it concerned this trip between dimensions, although the Gleeful twins almost certainly didn't know.

-Morgan's POV-

"You two are so much cooler then the Dipper and Mabel in my dimension, that's saying something" I said well sitting in the living room, of Gleeful manor. we were talking about the difference between our dimensions "so, everyone is either switched base personality's with someone else, or switched base alignment" I said, and Mabel replied, "what am I like?, wait, I mean what are we like, ya, that's what I meant." "well, Mabel is, an energetic, fun, bouncy, hyperactive, enthusiastic and free-spirited girl. She is an optimist who skips through life with a smile and an assortment of extremely colorful knitted sweaters. and Dipper, well Dipper is an Intelligent, compassionate, self-conscious, rational, and sometimes, overly judgmental kid, he can't wait to leave adolescence in the rear-view mirror. loves adventure, he can't sit still and is always looking for the next riddle to solve. you two are more like Gideon and Pacifica," "what are they like?" asked Dipper, I replied, "Pacifica is a stuck-up, egotistical, arrogant, rude, and mean girl who was also a stereotypical popular girl as she has money, style, and talent. and Gideon is manipulative, cunning, and sly. He is spoiled, ungrateful, bratty, selfish, and abusive towards his parents in ways such as throwing ice cream, yelling at them, making a fuss, and breaking lamps. actually now that I think about it, your like a mix of all 4 of them, both of you. tell me about people in this dimension." Dipper and Mabel went on telling me about everyone here, and I told them about everyone back in Gravity Falls

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