Step 43: Keep Your Head Down

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"I still can't believe they cancelled Quidditch. Is that even possible? I didn't think you were even allowed to do that. Honestly, I thought Snape would be a good Headmaster and then he just goes and does this?" Billie complained as she bounced out of the common room with way too much energy for the morning.

The group of Slytherins that had just left the common room were like a bunch of zombies as they dragged their feet across the corridor to the Great Hall. It was like the whole crowd did not want to be there... and they didn't. Though there had been some chatter in the common room this morning, everyone was now silent... Except for Billie who was still grumbling about Quidditch being cancelled.

"You should at least try to be quiet, Barker." Theodore chided as he walked past their group with his head held high and turned to walk backwards so that he was facing them. "Wouldn't want to get a detention with the Carrows, I heard they torture you."

"How would you know if no one's gotten detention this year, Nott?" said Ember, rolling her eyes and looking at him with a bored expression. "Think of better ways to scare..."

Being the immature person he is, Theodore stuck his tongue out at Ember and then flipped her off with his middle finger.

Billie scoffed, "I'm not scared, detention's worth it if I'm getting Quidditch back," she said defiantly, glaring at the third-year that just bumped into her leg.

"Draco's going to kill those first-years, look at his expression. Merlin, are you sure you don't want to go and help him?" Cullen asked anxiously as Ember's eyes drifted to the front of the crowd of Slytherins where Draco was leading all of the younger years to the Great Hall. His face was scrunched in disgust as one of them held onto his robe tightly.

"Just because I have a Head Girl badge, doesn't mean I'm going to help him. He needs to put on his 'big boy' pants — metaphorically, Cullen," Ember added quickly as Cullen opened his mouth to ask what pants his 'big boy' ones were. "He's got to learn to deal with those midgets on his own, I'll look after the older years. Children are weird and if they're going to hold my robe like that I'd have to kick them off... By the looks of it, Draco's struggling to refrain."

She was right, of course. Draco scowled at the little girl next to him and made a movement to kick her off of him but before he could come in contact with her, the little girl was pulled away by Astoria Greengrass who glared at Draco and told him that she was just a child. He didn't seem to care one bit as he kept walking, occasionally snapping at the students who followed after him.

"Everyone's talking and Draco and I will be the one's to get in trouble. Why couldn't Pansy get this bloody Head Girl badge, I haven't done anything to deserve this stupid thing." Ember muttered sourly, watching a group of fifth-year girls gossip and giggle.

"Just blame it on Pansy or something," said Cullen, shrugging. "Not Daphne though, she's being a perfect little angel over there." he looked across the corridor with a dreamy expression as Daphne snapped at students to 'shut their mouths' and then went back to speaking to Joshua Harper who stood next to her awkwardly. "Merlin, why does everyone have to be in love with my girl. She's been mine since the first year, kiddos!"

"Cullen, shut up!" hissed Blaise, looking around in alarm. "I don't fancy detention with the Carrows, that amount of red hair in an hour is unhealthy for everyone. I mean, seriously, they should at least dye it. They look like that bloody Weasley girl. I'm surprised they even want to associate with blood-traitors, even if it is just by hair colour."

Vaisey, who was trying (and failing) to calm down Billie, turned to Blaise and raised a questionable eyebrow, "Since when did you care about hair when you yourself haven't got any?"

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