Tension and Secrets

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Decrees. That's what Aurora was meant to live by and she was definitely not enjoying it. Ever since Harry had kissed the young witch he had started to avoid her like the plague. Rory didn't have a clue on what to do and when she asked Logan he simply replied, "He don't a deserve you B."

It most certainly didn't help when Hermione had started to glare at the young witch at every turn for not supporting them on the ludicrous idea. To think about it the whole trio had been avoiding her and that left Aurora feeling very lonely.

So we come to present time in late December, just a few days before Christmas break where Miss Aurora Black had been sitting and writing to Remus about her troubles,

   Dear Moony,

Hey, I know you're probably a little annoyed at me not writing sooner but I have a defense.

Actually maybe I don't but hey, you love me so you can't stay mad, right?

Anyways, Umbitch (mind my language) is getting on my last nerve with her stupid rules. She called you a 'half-breed'
So in other words I've got detention for a month for not 'holding my tongue".

I mean, what the hell does that mean. I can't stick my hand in my mouth and if I did I can still talk. (I didn't though...)

So how are you doing and Dad too?

I've rambled enough but could you do me a favor and get me a record player because this damn school is getting way too quiet.

See you soon,

PS- Do you mind if I call you papa, I want to be like those Victorian people!

PPS- You don't get to choose, it wasn't a question.

After finally finishing the letter, Aurora sent it out with Hedwig, Harry's karma for not talking to her.
She'd never bothered with pets, not wanting to subject them to a life of moving but maybe she could get one because she had a home.

Home. It was a foreign word to Aurora. The orphanage was a hell not home and once she left she ran so that she could never be trapped and scared again. Logan was there though all the time but they never felt like that anyway. So she moved from country to country there wasn't much she hadn't seen.

Looking back on life now, she would be crying because she had a shit life. But she didn't because the message emotion is weakness. Weakness will be your downfall. That was what she had lived by and she grew to have an odd form of peace about it.

But Aurora Black had a home now, maybe she should get a pet?

"What the hell is going on with you?"

Aurora had stormed into the great hall the next day with a determined look on her face. She had surprised Harry with her bluntness but he should've learned not to be.

"Um.. n..othing." He stuttered under her withering glare.

"Don't lie to me Potter. You've been avoiding me." Her voice had dropped to a whisper as the Hall seemed to bustle with life.

"I'm not! Just been busy." He said with more confidence lacing his voice. But the young Black could see right through it.

As she reached for his arm she was forced into vision.

There were an odd group of people all surrounded in an empty pub. They started discussing a group of sorts. A defense group.

They seemed to argue for a bit but eventually they all seemed to sign a piece of parchment. Aurora was hurt that they had gone behind her back but she was glad she hadn't trusted them too much.

With a frown she exited the vision disappointed with her supposed friends. They were going to regret it though.

Aurora Black- The Force To Be Reckoned WithUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum