Umbitch and Opinions

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Claps erupted from the table at gaining the mystery new girl

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Claps erupted from the table at gaining the mystery new girl. She nodded at Mcgonagall and walked toward Harry. As she looked at him she was reminded of Logan who she saw at the Hufflepuff table waving like a madman. She grinned and waved just as enthusiastically.

Harry smiled at her warmly as she sat beside him. He felt that sudden feeling of security. Noticing he had been staring at her Harry felt a slight blush on his cheeks which nobody apart from Hermione seemed to notice.

"Brilliant entrance Rory." Fred exclaimed

"Mcgonagall's face was priceless!" His twin replied.

"Boys, things are about to become a lot more interesting." She smirked.

As the feast drew to a close Aurora turned to the Slytherin table and a lightbulb went off in her head. She waved her hand under the table, charming all their heir to be bright red. Surprised shrieks and shout erupted as Gryffindor howled in laughter- soon joined by the other two houses.

Logan winked knowingly at Aurora as she grinned. From across the room she hadn't noticed Mcgonagall smiling in amusement. She would never admit it but but she found the young witch pleasant and a rival for her father.


"That's my cue." She yelled before sprinting away from the older witch.

The whole hall roared with laughter as the twins exchanged a knowing look. They had a new pranker.

The next morning was not a good one for Aurora Black. Hermione had to physically shake her awake as the black fell off her bed. In a huff Aurora pulled on her uniform. She applied a crimson lipstick as she danced in the mirror whilst doing her makeup.

She stalked off to the great hall, eager for her coffee. It was a known fact for anyone who had encountered the witch that you never communicate with her until she had her morning coffee.

When she entered the hall she walked to the Hufflepuff table and slumped in the seat beside Logan. She quickly poured herself a cup and sighed at the relief of the burning bitter liquid.

"Hey bestie." Logan said when he knew it was safe."

"Hi, how's Hufflepuff?"

"Everybody was really polite it kinda freaked me out. I found a couple people who I think might tolerate me."


Before she could reply a certain greasy Professor had interrupted her with his mono tone voice.

"Miss Black I suggest you go to your own table and stop slouching like a sloth."

Aurora was clearly not in the mood as she replied, "Surely it is encouraged to converse and socialize with other houses. We wouldn't want any hostility, Professor."

The hooked man seemed just as surprised at the girls cheek as the rest of the school as he sneered and walked away, cloak billowing behind him."

"Well I've got to go- bye bestie number 1" she grinned as she got up and walked away but not before her shouted

Feeling a surge of energy, Aurora strutted the hallways as people stared and whispered. She had DADA with frog face first and she had a bad feeling about the pink highlighter.

She walked To the classroom and slipped into the seat beside Harry. He seemed surprised that the witch had sat down as everybody had been treating him like a porcelain doll.

Before Harry could say anything Umbridge walked in, rendering the glass silent.

"Good morning children!"

Everybody merely grumbled in response.

"That won't do, good morning children."

"Good morning Professor Umbridge."

"Fuck off Professor Umbitch!" Aurora chanted with the rest of the class. Harry snorted as the professor glared at them expecting them to falter. Aurora glared right back.

"Now can everybody read chapter one in silence."

As Aurora took the book she was disgusted. A beginners book which they would only practice theory. It was plain insulting. As Hermione and Harry argued Aurora was secretly fuming.

"I don't know, Voldemort." At this the young witches head snapped up.

"You have been told a certain dark wizard has returned. This-is-a-lie."

"It's not a lie. I saw him, I fought him."

"Detention Mr Potter."

Finally Aurora stood up and everybody turned to look at her.

"I am sure you are aware you cannot give Mr Potter a detention for voicing his opinion. The ministry after all supports free will and opinions. You wouldn't give me a detention for saying Gryffindor is the best because you disagree. Therefore you have to leave him and his a views alone as they do not harm you in any way."

Everybody gasped at her but not before Umbridge asked. "And you are?"

"Aurora Black"

"Well Miss Black you and Mr Potter May go to your head of house."

"Cool." She replied walking out the room but not before she flicked both her hands setting the book and blackboard on fire.

"She is wicked." Ron muttered, awe struck at the young witch.

Aurora Black- The Force To Be Reckoned WithWhere stories live. Discover now