Cormac muttered to himself. "I really should've paid attention when we were learning that spell. LeviOsa, LeviosAr? Damnit."

Harry focused on the wand. Just..... a little..... Bit..... and..... Got it!

The wand fell out of his pocket and into Harry's hands. Harry held it with both his hands and pointed it at Cormac.


Cormac fell to the ground in a loud thud. Harry proceeded to untie himself from the rope and stood up. He pointed the wand at Cormac again. "Incarcerous!"

He magically lifted Cormac off the ground. "I think it's time to pay Aragog a visit."

Harry traveled to the place he never thought he'd go back to. "ARAGOG!"

Silence. His voice echoed. "ARAGOG!"

Harry's eyes adjusted to the lighting a bit before noticing Aragog enter from the deep. "Harry," he said. "What a surprise."

Harry stepped back, still frightened. "I-I need your help."

Aragog nodded. "And what do I get?"

Harry thought for a moment. "I-I don't know."

Aragog stepped back to where he came from. "Then I guess I can't help you," he said.

Harry sighed, and Cormac started to wake. "Wha-"

Harry dropped Cormac to the ground. "Here's the deal," Harry said. "You are going to tell me where Hermione, Ron, and Draco are. If you tell me, I might reconsider leaving you here alone with the creatures of the Forbidden Forest."

"What? No, Harry, please," Cormac begged.
"Then tell me where they are," Harry insisted.

"I-I don't know," Cormac said. Harry turned around and started walking. "Wait!" Harry stopped. "Astoria, she said that once everything was over, she was going to go to Malfoy Manor."

Harry smiled and started walking away.

"HARRY!" Cormac yelled. "COME BACK!"

"I'll send Hagrid for you in a few hours!" Harry replied before apparating.


"....are you going to eat your chicken leg...." Ron whispered.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Cormac couldn't take both?"

Astoria smirked. "I wanted to keep Ron around, just in case Hermione came poking around again."

Ron was floating in the air, following Astoria while Draco was bound into a spell to walk after her.

"I'm a little but curious who Hermione would choose if she had to between the two of you," Astoria giggled.

Draco tried to resist, but Astoria stopped and pointed her fingers at him. "Ah, Ah, Ah," she said. "You know that's not how this works."

As they traveled further, Draco's house came into view. "You brought me back to my house?"

Astoria sighed. "Of course!" She turned to Draco. "We have a lot of wedding planning to do, and where better to start then my future home?"


Narcissa was sitting beside Hermione when she heard the doors burst open downstairs. Narcissa ran down stairs to see who it was, when she saw Astoria.

"Mom!" Draco yelled, and tried to run to her, but he was tripped. The spell.

Astoria smirked. "You always applauded me for being able to control your son."

"Astoria, hello," Narcissa said, through gritted teeth. "Welcome. Thank you for ruining my doors."

"Oh, I hated those doors anyway," Astoria replied. "I want to redo the whole house once Draco and I are married."

"Of course," Astoria said. "Now, would you care to release my son?"

Astoria laughed, "No, I think it'll do him some good to be by my side. It'll teach him to be loyal to me."

Narcissa pointed to Ron. "How about him?"

"Oh, right," Astoria smiled. "You can do whatever you want with him." She dropped Ron to the ground. "He's useless now, anyways."

Astoria instructed the elves. "Take him to the guest room in the east wing."

"Guest room?" Astoria laughed. "Why would you put him in the guest room?"

Narcissa stared at Astoria. "Oh, well, those Weasley's are exactly my enemies anymore. I can't go around mistreating them."

Astoria walked over to Narcissa. "You've most definitely gone soft. I suppose you're also housing Granger right now."

Draco stared at his mother who stared into his eyes and smiled lightly. "No, of course not." Eager to switch the subject. "Why do you have my son? And Weasley?"

Astoria chuckled. "Oh, long story," she replied. "All that's important is the wedding is on!"

Astoria walked over and flopped back on the couch, crossing her legs.

"No, it's not."

Hermione stood weakly at the bottom of the stairs and Narcissa rushed to her side to help hold her up; she was on the verge of falling. Draco's face lit up.

"Well, what do you know?" Astoria said. "You are housing the mudblood."

Hermione raised her wand. "Call me that one. More. Time."

Astoria stood up. "I could if I wanted to." She grabbed Draco by the shirt. "Or, I could do this."

She leaned in and kissed Draco. Draco pushed her away.

"Imperio," Astoria said, pointing her wand at Draco.

"Now, Draco," Astoria ordered. "Go ahead, Draco. Use the Cruciatus curse on her."

Another chapter!! I hope you guys like this one. I'm experiencing a little trouble figuring out the ending, but I think I know what I want. Thank you for reading, and please be patient if I happen to take a little long to update. I'll try my best!!- Ally❤️

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