08; its over now

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"see ya later." zoe hangs up her phone and sighs to herself. she was happy, but at the same time zoe wondered if she really deserved it. happiness is rare for her.

maybe it was her time.

zoe was always stuck in her thoughts; and that's what got her to this. each and every thought always brought her to something worse than it was.

and then she did it, took her ibeprofin pills and her cell phone into the bathroom.

on a small piece of paper, she wrote:

dear family,
i'm sorry.
everything is just getting so bad and i can't take it any longer.
i love you. i promise i'll go to somewhere better.
love, zoe

she wondered how chandler would react; but this is for the best. right?

zoe locked the door and filled a cup with water; then blasted her favorite song. this is it. its over now.

she shook the pills into her frail hand and tossed them into her mouth along with the sink water.

its over now.


so, zoe committed suicide.

if any readers are having thoughts of suicide, please don't commit. you have so many people who love you and care about you. i know you hear this a lot, but it gets better.

i just got over depression after talking to a counselor at school.

1 (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
Languages: English, Spanish
Website: www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org

peace, love, and pi(e) π

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