05; a new day

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today was a new day. of course everyone new that. but today was different. chandler didn't have any trouble sleeping at all last night.

in fact, he slept like a baby.

he didn't go to the park or drink himself insane, he slept. in the morning, chandler hopped out of bed and actually brushed his hair. nobody knew why, not even his roommate, sam.

"did you get laid or something?" chandler even saw sam's smirk as he made scrambled eggs and bacon. let me remind you that chandler is not a cook and these tasted terrible.

its the thought that counts, eh?

chandler got zoe's cell number just yesterday; he wanted to meet with her. so, he texted zoe's number.

wanna go to the cafe with me on elm street?


sort of a filler, but it should get better soon. 4 chapters after this and maybe an epilogue.

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