When You and Him First Meet

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Photo : From the BNHA anime series (Season 4)





Then steps turning into mild sprints that touched the ground roughly but seems so slippery.

Today is my first week of school in Mustafa Private Middle School and it's finally time to make a fresh start of my middle school life.

Well, my start is definitely something I was not expecting when the sky turned gray and started pouring rain that gives a free shower to those who are walking on the streets, including me.

Hi, I'm (Y/N)(L/N).

It's my second year of middle school and I just moved here in this city with my parents since my dad accepted a hero job offer to join in Fatgum's hero agency.

Him and Fatgum are actually good friends and they met during his days of taking the hero license exam so it's no wonder that my dad wouldn't refuse an offer like that.

As for my mother, she was a full housewife before but now that we moved here, she was able to get a job which involves creating hero costumes for the pro heroes and hero students.

This is quite advantageous on my part since my dream is to become a pro hero someday and I can ask my mom easily if ever I want my costume to be made before enrolling in my dream school, U.A. Academy.

Ah, yes.

The prestigious hero school in Japan and it takes guts and effort in order to be accepted in an amazing school like that.

That's why, starting this year, I'm going to train my body and soul so I can get accepted.

I want to learn hero tactics, learning basics and fundamentals of saving people in different situations and most of all, making friends who will also become your allies and pro hero partners in the near future!

Anyways, back to the present.

I am currently on the way to the school but unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it in time just to ride the train.

It wasn't because I woke up late or anything but apparently, the train station is going through some terrible situation with a villain being involved and the pro heroes and the police told us  that they will handle the situation and advised us to evacuate immediately to avoid injuries, getting kidnapped and so on.

A terrible timing indeed so I have no choice but to either find another train station or just run all the way there so that being said, I'll see how my journey to school will go from here.

'Come on, legs!', I thought to myself as I continued running and also avoiding from slipping from slippery pavements, 'I need to get there on time and-Wait, a second'

I stopped running just so I can check my bag while holding my umbrella and as soon as I was able to check what I was looking for, my eyes widened.

'Oh no, I forgot to bring my lunch box!!', I thought to myself like I'm ready to scream right now.

Welp, I guess my first day of school is turning more tables again.

First is the weather, second was not being ride a train because of a villain attack and now, I have forgotten my own bento that I made since my mom had to be early for work today.

I sighed deeply with disappointment from my early morning clumsiness but I shook those feelings and replaced it with positive thoughts.

'It's okay, I'll just heat it up and eat it for dinner once I get back home!', I thought and smiled with a nod, 'I'll just buy lunch in the cafeteria for now. Man, good thing I didn't forget my wallet'.

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