Partying till sunrise

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Bakugo POV

I was moving into kirishimas house today,

I was excited I finally get away from the person I hate and live with the person I like wait that means I'm always going to be with him oh this going to be heaven "katsuki please don't leave I'm sorry I was mean to him but he yelled at me" my mother came in "stop the act your just drunk
we both know that" I finished packing
"fine I'm acting but please I don't have anyone" she cried "I'm 18 I'm pretty sure it's time for me to move out plus all you do is yell at me, and your 17 boyfriends are mean always trying to make me get
together with there daughters"
I said "well I WONT LET YOU GO YOU ARE MY CHILD AND I WONT LET YOU LEAVE!um ILL TAKE YOU OUT OF SCHOOL" she threatened me with stupid things "good bye" I got the last box and then put it into the car "STOOOOOOOOP" she yelled then of course her boyfriend Dave came
out "I am 18 that means I am aloud to leave with or without your permission" I said then got into the car "Boy you better come out!" Dave yelled banging on the window but I just flicked him off and drove away to a ramen shop to get food for kirishima and me

after getting the food I went to the apartment building

when I got inside I saw kirishima on the couch watching a show As he played with rocky "hello" he smiled "I got ramen" I said
"OOOOO YES come bring it over here" he said 'ok you hangry red shark" I sat down next to him giving kiri the ramen and chop sticks "thank you" kirishima said the dug in to his food "So after I can help you bring your stuff in from the car" kirishima said "ok" I said "tomorrow we have that group project
with Uraraka and Hana" kirishima said "did you ask when and where  we are meeting?" I asked "well I told said we should meet at a cafe but they asked if we could just meet here so I said yes" he said "That round head girl is weird though" I said "yeah yeah but it's only for like an hour I told them no longer"
kirishima said "ok" I whispered
After we ate we went and took the boxes out of the car and into the art room

(this is after they put everything away)
"Ooo I see your sketch books can I look?" Kirishima asked "sure but can I see yours " I said "I got some old ones Though so some are bad" kirishima said, I looked through his book and a lot of them were really good "hey I'm getting some ice cream want some?" Kirishima said "sure" I said
After we looked at the books we went and watched a movie then fell asleep till 
It was like 5 am when they went to sleep

"Huh?" I  woke up and went to get the door "what time is it- it's 8 A M" I looked at the clock "what" I said "We are here to study" Uraraka was with Hana "do you guys have any idea what time it is" I asked "why are you here already?" Hana asked me "Why would you care" I said half asleep "um hold on" I shut the door and went to get kirishima "hey wake up" I said "whyyyyyyyy it's so early me and rocky want to Sleeeeeeeep" he said
"well for some reason Uraraka and Hana are here" I told him "whyyyyyy I told them 8 am?" Kirishima said "u- you mean Pm?!" I said "that's what I said" kirishima opened his eyes "I'm telling them to just come back later"
I went back to the door "where's kirishima?" Hana asked "sleeping, now there was a mix up he meant to say PM not AM" I told them "well I can't do later I'm seeing eiji now" Hana said "ooo I have an idea me and bakugo can study and you and kirishima can study" Uraraka said "um no I'm going
back to sleep and you guys aren't coming back till 8:30 PM" I told them then shut the door then went back to the bed to see kirishima asleep soundly and I fell asleep until *Knock knock knock* "oh my goooooooooosshhhhhhh" I whispered "I swear what time is it?" Kirishima asked 12PM "Its noon" I told him *knock knock knock* "Guess we should get up" kirishima said
*roof* I felt the little pebble jump onto my chest "I'm a little hungry"I said *Knock Knock Knock* "I'm gonna go see who that is then after we can get something to eat" kirishima said and then went to answer he door

Kirishima POV

"Hello-" I said before realizing who it was "Hello babe"

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