Chapter 18

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I wanted to try to make more reasonable why this three guys like you..(Shoto Todoroki,Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya).

Just don't mind the hair color instead it's just your (h/c) hair..

So let's get to the story,shall we?


'(Y/n)-chan decided to train with the three of us Kacchan and Todoroki..

I woke early and eat my breakfast and decided to jog heading to the beach where (Y/n)-chan wanted to train with the three of us..

I train solo because I was early and using my quirk..

They're not here yet and I was all sweat I decided to take off my shirt and put some bandages on my hand since I got injured from training solo..

'I'm going to prove it to (Y/n)-chan that I can protect her with my quirk and all of my might..'

'I'm going to show her how strong am I than the past..'

'I'm going to be strong and not weak anymore i'll fight with Kacchan if it means to protect (Y/n)-chan even Todoroki might be!'

'I'm just not that weakling not that everyone knows..I'm gonna be just like All Might..'

"Izuku-Kun?..Are you all right?"

I turned around and saw the three of them Kacchan,Todoroki and (Y/n)-chan..

"Oh!..H-Hey guys,(Y/n)-chan.."I greeted.

Kacchan wore some sweat pants and his top was the U.A.'s p.e. Todoroki wore black pants and t-shirt while (Y/n)-chan was wearing a black shirt and white leggings..

'(Y/n)-chan looks always beautiful as ever..Then until now..'

"What happened to your hand?..And why are you looking up?..Did you hurt yourself?!"(Y/n)-chan said worriedly.

"Oh!..I was just looking up nothing s-serious!!..And about my hand don't worry too much about it I got injured because I trained solo..!"I said.

"Are you really sure?..I can heal it using my Light Dragon.."She said.

"I-If you insist.."I said.

(Y/n)-chan activate her quirk and then change its type into Light Dragon and she took away my bandages and heals it..

"T-Thank you so much (Y/n)-chan!"I thanked her and she smiled.

"ENOUGHT WITH THIS AND LET'S GET TRAIN!!"Kacchan shouted and brushed me off.

'I could do this time..To impress and show off to (Y/n)-chan..'


(Back where Katsuki woke up)

"Ugh..I hate this day.."

I crawled out off bed and went to the bathroom checking my self..

"I must impress and sbow off to (Y/n) that i'm better than those extras that DEKU AND ICYHOT!!"

I clench my fist and form a grin on my lips..

I take off my clothes and take a shower.

I went downstairs in the kitchen to grab my breakfast and to head straight to (Y/n)'s house..

|~HER~|💗 ~|Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugo x Reader x Shoto Todoroki|~Where stories live. Discover now