Slash X Reader (Sad) - The Incident

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July 15th, 1987, 7:30 PM

(Reader's Perspective)

Driving down the highway, listening to a Def Leppard Pyromania album CD, Slash and I sang along to Photograph, together, having so much fun. We were coming back from a huge house party that was held at Duff's house. It was quite fun, and we enjoyed our time there.
"Haha! I love you so much, (Y/N)!", Saul told me, laughing a bit.
"I love you, too, Slashy!", I replied, giggling.
"Wanna spend forever together?", he asked, looking over at me, with a more serious look, but still keeping a smile on his face.
"You know it, baby.. forever and always.. you and I", I replied, as he gently took one hand off the wheel, so he could hold mine.
Suddenly, a car flew out in front of us, Saul quickly tried to turn, to get out of the way, but it was too late. I slammed my head on the dashboard, as the echo of squealing tires went through my head. Suddenly, my vision was blurry, and I shut my eyes for just a moment. Complete darkness.

(Slash's Perspective)

On impact, I was pushed forward a little, hitting my head on the steering wheel, but not too hard.
"Ah!", I yelped in pain, as I felt blood drip down from where I hit my head.
My next thought was if (Y/N) was okay. I looked over at her, as worried, as ever. I gasped in shock at her appearance. Her nose was bleeding, and she had her eyes shut. She was still breathing, though.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!!", I yelled her name, as I shook her.
A police officer, and an ambulance arrived, soon after, the lights surrounding our vehicle.
"Fuck! (Y/N), wake up!", I yelled louder, shaking her harder.
She still wouldn't wake up. I started to cry, worried sick for her.
Hearing footsteps coming towards the car, I held onto (Y/N), as I turned my head to see who it was. A police officer shined a flashlight in the car, and looked at me.
"Sir, are you alright? Who's the girl you're holding?", he asked, looking down at (Y/N)
"It's my wife, man! Just help us, please! She's breathing, but she won't wake up!", I replied, raising my voice.
"Okay, well, I can reassure you, there are paramedics here, and they can get you two to a hospital, alright?", the officer told me.
"Do you need help getting her out of the car, or can you carry her?", he asked me, as I opened the car door, and dizzily stood up.
"No.. I've got her..", I reassured him, as I walked over to the passenger side of the car, wobbling a bit, every step I took.
I eventually made it there, and I opened the door on (Y/N)'s side, to pick her up. Slowly, I slipped my one arm under her head, and another underneath her legs, carrying her, bridal style.
"I love you, (Y/N).. please.. wake up, soon.. My heart can't take this..", I whispered to her, my voice cracking, as I cried more, tears flowing from my eyes, as I looked down at her unconscious, injured face.

July 15th, 1987, 9:00 PM

(Slash's Perspective)

Sitting next to (Y/N)'s hospital bed, as she lay down, with a few IVs attached to her, all I could do was stare at her, in hopes that she would just wake up, already. I had called Axl, and explained to him what happened. I told him to let the rest of the band know, and if they wanna come see how (Y/N) is doing, they can.

(Slash on the phone with Axl, earlier)

"Dude.. something really bad is happening."
"Slash? What's wrong? What's going on?"
"It's (Y/N!) We got into a horrible car accident, and I just got a little injured, but she is completely unconscious, and we are in the hospital, right now..", Slash explained to him.
"What?! Oh my god.. Saul.. I'm so sorry. Do you know if she'll be okay?", Axl asked, his voice slightly shaking, with worry.
"I don't know, man! I'm just.. I hate this so much, and I feel like crying, again.. She's still breathing, but she's unresponsive to anything!", I told him.
"Oh my god.. (Y/N)'s gonna be okay, dude.. I promise you. I know that it's scary, but don't assume the worst. She can come out of this state..", Axl tried reassuring me.
"Thanks, Axl.. but, I'm still so worried.. please.. do me a favor", I began.
"What is it, man?"
"I want you to call the rest of the band, right now, and tell them what happened.. please, Axl..", I continued.
"I will, I promise. Can I visit, possibly?", he asked.
"Yes, you can. Tell the rest of the band that they can visit, with you, if they really want to..", I replied.
"Okay.. I'm so sorry, man.. just stay there with (Y/N).. she needs you", Axl said, before hanging up.

(Back to Slash sitting next to (Y/N)'s hospital bed)

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door, and the doctor came in. I looked up from (Y/N), and over to him, with an attentive look, curious as to what he had to say.
"You have some visitors..", he said, as he moved out of the way of the door.
First, Axl stepped inside, followed by Steven, Duff, and Izzy, all carrying some balloons, and Duff held a card, in his hand. However, for some reason, Izzy was looking at me, funny, and wouldn't stop blocking the doorway.
"It's okay, Izzy.. let me explain it to him, and I'm sure he will understand..", Steven told him, and Izzy nodded in response.
"A-Axl phoned somebody else to come see her.. I don't know how you feel about who it is, though..", Steven explained, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
A perplexed expression formed across my face, and I turned to Axl.
"What do you mean..? Who did you call?", I asked him, with a confused tone.
"Well.. Izzy, let him in..", Axl said, and Izzy moved out of the doorway.
A tall, slim man, with long, blonde hair, and lovely blue eyes stepped inside, and looked at me.
I scoffed a bit, and I turned to Axl.
"Axl.. what the hell?!", I asked, raising my voice, as I stood up, angrily.
The doctor awkwardly exited the room, as if he knew it was going to get heated.
"Saul! You and Michael were such good friends. Does it really matter what happened?", Axl protested.
"It kind of does matter, Axl! This is the man that tried to steal (Y/N) away from me, and I told him I never wanted to see him again!", I yelled at Axl, pointing at Michael, angrily.
"Saul.. I'm sorry.. can't we just put it behind us? I really think you're a great guy, and (Y/N) is great, too! I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you two, ever again..", Michael begged, pure hurt in his eyes.
I suddenly felt sympathy for him, so I took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh.
"Okay.. Michael.. you can visit.. just, please.. don't ever try to do anything like that, again", I told him, as I leaned down, my head resting on my one hand, while the other stayed on my lap.
"I won't.. I promise.. I just want you and (Y/N) to be okay..", he promised me, as he then sat down in the chair next to me.
I looked over at him. He didn't have his hair teased, and all fluffy like it normally was. His long, blonde hair stayed straight, and draped across his shoulders. His bangs naturally swept to the side, almost covering one of his eyes, but not quite. He looked quite nice, always beautiful for a guy. He gave me a small smile, and looked over at (Y/N).
"I'm so sorry, Saul..", he said to me, quietly.
"It's fine.. I blame myself for it, though..", I admitted.
He suddenly turned to me, and he had a worried look on his face.
"Why? You didn't do anything wrong.."
"I blame myself, because I should've been paying attention to the road. Me and (Y/N) were fooling around, and singing along to a CD that we put in, and I should've never let that happen..", I explained to him, letting out another sigh.
"Well.. it's not your fault.. even if you should've been paying attention. Don't blame yourself, my friend..", he told me, as he gently placed his hand upon my shoulder, comfortingly.
I just looked over at him, and nodded.
"(Y/N).. I hope you wake up, soon..", Steven said, quietly, as he walked over to (Y/N)'s hospital bed, and looked down at her, sadness in his eyes.
"It'll be okay, Steven..", Duff said, as he walked over to him, and wrapped his arm around him, and pulled him in, to hug him.
"I wish that I was a bit more careful in life..", I said to myself, looking down at the ground, sorrowfully.
Axl and Izzy walked over to me, and wrapped their arms around me, to hug me.
"It'll be okay, dude..", Axl reassured me
"(Y/N) will wake up, soon..", Izzy added.
All I could do was just hug them back, as my mind filled up with sad thoughts of (Y/N) possibly never waking up. What would I do, then? I had no idea..

After staying for about an hour, Axl, Izzy, Steven, Duff, and Michael left, leaving me alone with my beloved. I got up from the chair I sat in and walked over to her, looking down at her. I gulped a bit, as my eyes began to water, trying not to cry. I leaned down, and gave her a kiss on her soft lips, shutting my eyes, as tears rolled down my face. Standing back up, with a sniffle, I turned back to my chair, and sat there, the rest of the night. The doctors told me I could go home whenever I liked, but I just wanted to be there with (Y/N). I decided I would stay at the hospital for as long as I needed to, to make sure (Y/N) was okay, when she woke up. I didn't care at all if it took even years for her to wake up. I would stay there with her, forever, if I had to. My heart belonged with her, and I couldn't just leave her side, like that.
"I love you..", I whispered to her, hoping that maybe a part of her could hear me.
I longed to hear her sweet voice reply,
"I love you, too, Slashy!", with that wonderful nickname she always called me.
She'd wake up soon.. right? Right?

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