Slash X Reader Slight Lemon - Valentine's Day Gone Sexy

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February 14th, 1987, 5:30 P.M.

(Reader Point Of View)
Slash decided to go to the grocery store, and pick up some stuff. It was Valentine's Day, so that morning, he had made me breakfast, gave me a lovely kiss, and told me,
"Happy Valentine's Day, Princess", in that voice that just made my heart soar, every time I heard it.
It had made me super happy that he did all that for me, and I didn't care that he didn't buy me anything. We had enough already. We had our love, and our deep connection. I had it's given him a cute card, and got him some red underwear kind of as a joke, but also because I think he would look super sexy in them. However, Slash had been out a while now, and I began to get worried. I didn't really think too much of it, though. Sometimes he just gets distracted, and sometimes he just doesn't know what he's doing. I smiled at the thought. He was so goofy, and he always made me laugh. Ever since we were kids, he was a true comedian, at heart. He could make me laugh with the smallest things. I think that's one of the many things I love so much about him.

Sitting down on the couch in our basement, I was casually watching a movie, on the TV we had down there, when all of a sudden, from upstairs, a loud slam could be heard. Somebody had ran into the house, and slammed the door super hard. My heart jumped, and I stood up quickly. I recognized Saul's footsteps, and I knew this wasn't him at all. Suddenly, running down the stairs, coming straight for me, were two men dressed in black, with hoods up to cover the top of their heads. I kicked, and screamed, as they grabbed hold of me, and put a bag over my head. My heart pounded in my chest, and I fought for dear life. I heard one of them laugh at me. A sickening laugh that just made me want to start crying out for Saul.
"Where is he? What's happening? Will I ever see him again?!", my thoughts raced with fear, and I just kept my mouth shut, as these two mysterious men shoved me into the backseat of their car, and locked the doors, so I couldn't try to get out.
"What the fuck?! Who are you two?!", I yelled at them, as I ripped off the bag they put over my head, a furious expression on my face.
They both turned around to look at me in the backseat, only their eyes visible for the black mask covering their mouth and nose, and their hoods up, covering their hair. They started laughing hysterically. This pissed me off even more, and I screamed at the man in the passenger seat,
"This isn't fucking funny! Who are you?!"
They slowly pulled off their masks, that covered half their face, and put their hoods down. Lo and behold, it was Izzy and Duff.
"Surprise!!", Duff yelled, laughing.
"You were so scared, (Y/N)!", Izzy said, giggling.
All I could do was smile through my anger as I said,
"What the fuck is wrong with you two? Can I go home, please?"
Izzy then started to drive off.
"Nope! You can't go home.. not until you've had fun with us!", Duff said, giving me a cheeky smile.
"Excuse me?! I didn't agree to this!", I exclaimed, getting more irritated.
"Well.. just give it a try, okay? You'll love it!", Izzy replied, looking back at me, with a smile.
All I could was roll my eyes, and sigh, as I leaned back in the seat of the car. At least I was dressed decently. Despite just sitting at home all day, I had on a nice, (favorite color) top, with some high-waisted denim shorts, a cute belt, and my favorite converse to top it off! How fun!

After about twenty minutes of driving, Duff and Izzy pulled up to a really, really fancy looking bar. Neon lights glowing everywhere, lights streamed around the place. People were already drunk, and stumbling around, even though it was only 6:00 in the evening. This place did look like fun. So I just thought to myself,
"Why not just have fun? Give it a try, like Izzy said!"
Walking up to the bar stools, I sat down next to Izzy, with Duff sitting on the other side of him. The bartender came around, and with a smile he asked,
"What can I get you, ma'am?"
"Well, I would really enjoy a-", I began.
"Eh, no.. sorry, she's already had stuff to drink, so.. just get her a water for us, okay?", Izzy said, as he winked at me.
I rolled my eyes, and sighed. I really wanted a drink.
"But, get me and Duff here a gin and tonic. Oh, and make that on the rocks, please!", Izzy continued.
"Erm.. okay..", the bartender replied, giving them a funny look.
I turned to Izzy, and glared at him, crossing my arms.
"Izzy! Why did you do that?! I haven't had anything to drink at all, today!", I slightly raised my voice at him.
"Well.. sorry, but we think that there should be at least one sober person with us, and.. me and Duff agreed it would be you. Sorry, (Y/N)..", Izzy answered, as Duff nodded, in agreement.
"Well, whatever.. please don't get too crazy..", I told them, giving them a stern look.
"You don't have to worry about a thing, (Y/N)! I promise that we will both stay in line!", Duff promised, giving me a thumbs up.
"Mhmm..", I replied, rolling my eyes.
The bartender came back with our drinks, a few seconds later, setting them down in front of us. That's where the fun just got started.

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