24 - Peter Stark (1)

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Peter is Tony and peppers biological child.
Tony and Pepper have been together since they were 21 and 18 and had Peter in 1994 at age 24 and 21.

Tony became Ironman and Peter became Ironspider in 2008.
They both have arc reactors as they were both blown up and kidnapped in Afghanistan but Peter was injected with the spider venom which gave him those abilities as well.

This series will start with Pepper being pregnant and then newborn Peter. It may be long series or not, depends if I can keep the momentum of the plot going.

Tony was a playboy in his mid teens (15-18) so he isn't one later on and he gave up the alcohol when Peter was born, except on special occasions obvs. He is very close and protective of both his wife and son.


Tony's PoV:

Pepper seemed really nervous today and I had no idea why. As of now, we are working in my office on the latest weapons. Pepper keeps looking at her stomach and rubbing it softly and it's confusing me.

"Hey Pep honey, why do you keep rubbing your belly? You got a stomach ache? We've got medicine upstairs you know," I chuckled.

"N-no..." she sniffled as tears began to pool in her baby blue eyes.

"Hey what's wrong honey?" I rushed over to her, concern welling up inside me at the thought of her being upset.

"I-I'm pregnant Tony...please d-don't hate me," she sniffled in such a vulnerable voice which was so unlike her.

I jerked backwards in surprise as my mind registered what she said. She's pregnant? I'm going to be a dad? Oh god...fuck I can't be a dad! I'll be just like Howard!

"Y-you're pregnant? I-I'm going to be a...dad? How far along?" I asked meekly, my face paling.

She nodded stiffly as sobs wracked her small body.

"8 weeks...I-I'm sorry...I can leave I-if you don't want it. I-I'll raise he/she on m-my own. Just please d-don't make me get r-rid of the baby," she begged desperately.

My eyes widened and I pulled her up to her feet and hugged her tightly.

"No no no honey, you're not going anywhere. You're not leaving and neither is that little...bean. I love you and I already love the little one. A mini Stark heck yes!"

She smiled tearfully at me and giggled.


I nodded honestly and kissed her gently.

"Of course, we're gonna have a little bean!" I said as the thought really sunk in and I realised I actually felt excitement instead of the dread I thought I'd feel.

"Little bean? Really Tony?" She laughed.

"Ah there's the laugh I love so much!" I smiled at my wife of two years. Yeah we got married at 22 and 19, pretty irresponsible I know but we love each other with all our beings and that's enough for us.

She'd helped me through my parents deaths and I in return will help her through this pregnancy and raise my future son/daughter. Not going to lie...I kinda hoped the baby was a boy. Is always wanted a son to teach him everything I knew and to give him the childhood all kids deserve, one I never received.

"I love you Tony Stark."

"And I love you Pepper Stark."

I knelt down onto my knees and kissed her still flat stomach softly.

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