23 - Italian Peter

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In this, Peter speaks fluent Italian and tends to ramble in it when he's angry or excited.

Tony has the exact same habit and neither of them even realise they are speaking italian until one night with the rogues.

Peter is 15.
Set in homecoming period but the avengers are all friends again.


Italian will be in italics as I for one cannot be asked to translate between the two.

Third PoV:

Tony and Peter were currently in the lab working on Tony's latest suit which was rather broken.

"Ouch!" Tony yelped after cutting his thumb on a piece of his suit.

"You good Mr Stark?" Peter said concernedly.

"Yeah fine kiddo, and how many times. It's TONY!"

Peter chuckled at his pouting mentor and turned back to the blueprints which were slightly wrong but he couldn't tell and he slowly slipped into perfect Italian.

"Ugh this is ridiculous, I can't tell what we've done wrong Tony!"

"Yeah not a clue either kid...maybe we should take a break and come back to it. Go watch a movie with the others or something?"

"Wow is Tony stark really suggesting a break?"

"Yes, yes I am underoos. Now shut it and go get changed into something comfier."

Peter nodded and went back up to his room to change into grey joggers and a Spider-Man top.

When he entered the living room, all the avengers were patiently waiting for him on the sofa. He plopped himself down next to Tony and Steve. He snuggled up to his mentor and strung his legs Steve's lap, the super soldier resting a hand on him in return as Tony let Peter rest his head on his lap.

"What are we watching?"

"The woman in black," Clint replied happily, he loved horror movies and took great joy in mocking the others when they jumped. He'd never seen Peter watch a horror film and he couldn't wait to see his reaction.

It wasn't what he expected.

"What is the matter with this dumb idiot! Why on earth would he go into the house? Jesus human stupidity astounds me to great lengths! I've began to loose brain cells just watching this twat!"

Tony burst out laughing at the third sentence but the others looked at them both really weirdly.

"Yeah I agree kid. Like who thinks it's a good idea to try and help a weird demon lady get her son back? It's just ridiculous!"

When the movie is over, Tony and Peter are wheezing with laughter due to their running commentary. The others had only understood about a third of it as the rest of it had been spoke in very fast and thick Italian.

"Um guys?" Bruce said to the laughing pair.

"Y-yeah Brucie?" Tony snorted.

"You do realise you and Pete have been speaking in Italian for the past two hours?" He asked with his eyebrows raised. Had they really not noticed?

Tony turned to stare wide eyed at Peter.

"You speak Italian?!"

"Uh yeah...you know may is Italian, kinda just picked it up."

Tony nodded, "just kinda shocked neither of us noticed..."

"Sir might I also inform you that you and Mr Parker have been doing this for months now." FRIDAY said amusedly.

"What?" Peter and Tony yelped.

Everyone burst out with laughter, only Tony and Peter could speak another language and not even realise.

————end of chapter———

Really short one but it was pretty cute

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