part 2

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Waking up in a comfortable bed was something laura did not expect after last night, racking her brains she remembered being saved by spiderman, she began to think about why would he save her, nobody does something for free, atleast not to her.

All thoughts seized when she saw him enter the room.

Peter: hi laura how are you ?

Laura(growling): fine

Peter : good you gave me quite a scare yesterday.

Laura : I am leaving.
Trying to get up she found herself webbed to the bed unable to move.

Peter: oh no young lady, not on my watch. You need to recover.

Laura: I am fine.

Peter: laura I am not talking about physically, logan's death hit us all hard.

Laura: shut up you know nothing.

Peter(sighing) : laur I know how you feel, he was like a brother to me. Now tell me what's wrong.

Laura: shut up shut up , you don't know how it feels to be looked at as a copy of your father, everyone looks at you in fear, and your own family tries to kill you.

Peter: laura belieave it or not my own brothers tried to kill me.

Laura: you have brothers?

Peter: clones but listen we worked it out and now we are close. I want you to know that you can depend on me ok ?
Peter moved close and hugged her, she struggled at first but then relented.

Peter: now why are you not at school.

Laura: I left, summers kicked me out, said I was a danger to everyone in my fragile state.


Laura(smiling): that would be funny

Peter: I will send you a video. Now you will stay here and I wont take no for an answer.

Laura: yes sir.

A few days later laura had adjusted well to her new enviroment, both she and peter bonded over stories of her dad and him trying to make her feel better.

It should be mentioned that a video was posted on social media that showed cyclops being raped by daken her clone who killed her dad, cyclops from what she heared had a crushed pelvis and could not  show his face at school without being laughed at. When laura asked peter how he did it he told her he just drugged cyclops after beating him, then splashed him with phernomes and put him in a room eith daken.

Laura: why did you do this ?

Peter : laura I did it for you, I like when you smile much better when you have a grumpy face.

Laura blushing attacked peter who only dodged while laughing.

A few months later, laura began to feel something for peter, she hated him seeing other women and would growl at them.

One day she made up her mind and entered peter's bedroom.

Peter: hey laura what are you..

He was silenced by a kiss on his lips.

Laura: listen up from now on you are mine, look at another woman for more than 5 seconds and I will skewer them. Now of with those pants.

Not letting him respond she stripped out of her outfit and slashed his off and pounced on him and thus began a night of passion that left her unable to walk the next day but was worth it.

3 year later.

Logan who like all X men was revived somehow and was tracking his daughter, when he found out scott kicked her out he beat him up black and blue.

Finding her with his scent was easy but ehat confused him is the smell of two other people that seemed familiar.

Breaking the door, he found laura and peter with kid that looked as a mixture of the two.

Laura: oh hey dad, meet my husband and daughter, you already know my husband , this is my daughter may. Say hi

Taking a few seconds to understand what happened, logan turned to peter claws out with murder in his eyes.




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