“This’ll be fun,” Liam laughed, “I’ve always wanted to be an uncle,” I smiled, “I bet it’ll be weird for you though,” I looked at him with my head slightly tilted questioningly, “Living somewhere apart from the hospital,”

   I nodded, “Yeah, everything will be weird for a while,” I agreed with him, “Especially living with five boys who I’ve only known for three weeks,” Louis laughed loudly from the front, Liam and I caught each other’s eye and burst into a fit of giggles,

   Paul drove us into the heart of London and then stopped, “You’ll be living here,”

   “In this house?” I gulped looking at the big bricked building,

   “Yes,” Paul told me, “And the boys will be moving in with you, it’ll be easier if you’re all in one place, the others are inside, come on,” He said turning off the engine he climbed out of the car, his phone rang. He answered it while the three of us climbed out of the car,

   “One each?” Liam suggested, Louis and I shrugged but then nodded, we got the three girls out of the car holding the handle of their car seats, Paul hung up,

   “Well I have to go, duty calls,” He said, we said goodbye and then walked up to the huge house, our new home. Knocking at the door with two car seats in my hands, Liam stood beside me with one and Louis stood behind us with the folded up stroller,

   “Well hello,” Harry’s face appeared by the open door, “Welcome to our humble home,” He spoke pronouncing every word properly,

   “Move it you…” Liam swore under his breath,

   “Liam!” Harry gasped putting his hand over his heart, “You didn’t just use that kind of language in front of their delicate ears did you? Because we now have a swear jar to which you owe one pound,”

   “You what?” Liam scoffed pushing past him,

   Walking through, my mouth was open, the house was beautiful, the kitchen was straight ahead with the open plan living room and dining room to the right, there was a study to the left and the stairs to the next floor,

   Harry walked over to the counter and pointed to an empty jam jar with a sticky label on the from that said ‘Swear Jar’ on it in scribbles,

   Liam sighed, “You’re kidding me,” Harry grinned, winked at me as Liam handed him a pound coin which he dropped happily into the jar,

   “Oh Bobbie, come with me,” Harry’s smile was wide, he took Noelle’s car seat, I held Annalise and Jaime in either hands, both were sat in their seats quietly blinking their blue eyes under tiny lashes, “Follow me!” He said excitedly, he patiently waited for me to climb the stairs, it was still huge, there was another set of stairs up to another floor, but Harry continued to guide me to a large room off the back,

   When I got in there, my mouth almost literally hit the floor, it was a baby nursery. But so beautiful. The ceiling was painted blue with clouds like the sky, the walls were continued down into a field, with the blue sky and green grass at the bottom. There were three white cots all with blue, yellow and pink thick quilts to keep them warm at night. Birds hung from the ceiling on springs so they could move up and down,

   The window overlooked the garden and let light flood in, the floor was wooden but there was a huge rug over it just in case. There was a vintage looking wardrobe pushed to one side, a lamp and a chair. It was so beautiful. I set the car seats down and didn’t know I was crying until Harry asked why I was,

   “Are you alright?” Harry asked bending his knees in front of me so that he could look straight into my eyes,

   “Yeah, it’s just so amazing,” I started to openly cry, “Thank you,” Harry smiled sympathetically before placing Noelle’s car seat gently on the ground and pulling me into a huge hug, his arms were muscular and tightened on me, I breathed in his scent and held onto him,

   “It’s my pleasure,” He told me before reluctantly, I pulled away, “Shall we put them down?”

   I nodded, “Yeah,” One by one, I picked them up and lay each of them down in their own cot, gave them a cuddle, a kiss and pulled their blankets over them before pulling the curtains shut and turned the light out before Harry and I snuck silently out.

   Managing to shut the door without waking any of them, I breathed a sigh of relief, Harry mouthed something and tried to mime it out so he didn’t make any noise. I tried to make sense of whatever he was trying to do, but it didn’t work, clamping my lips together to stop a laugh escaping my mouth, Harry slipped his hand in mine and pulled me through the door next to the nursery,

   Shutting the door behind him, he smiled and told me quietly, “This is your room,”

   I smiled, it was different to my pink décor back home. This one was black and white, a picture of Marilyn Monroe was placed above the double bed and a mint blue tree sticker grew up the feature black wall on the left. To the right was the huge window looking over the London houses, there was a huge wardrobe and chest of drawers, a dressing table, I was speechless, it was like I was living someone else’s life now…

   “I don’t know how to thank you guys I really don’t,” Harry grinned,

   “Oh and look,” He jumped over to the wardrobe, my eyes followed him in awe at how devastatingly handsome he was, Harry grinned showing me his dimples as he flung open the wardrobe to reveal a hell of a lot of clothes,


   “I know, there’s a lot,” He inspected them blocking my view, “Eleanor, Louis’ girlfriend picked them out for you and don’t worry, there’s baby clothes too,”

   “Thanks again I…”

   “Really appreciate it?” Harry completed for me, “Come on, let’s say hi to the others,”

   Following Harry down the stairs, I was pleasantly surprised to find the others laughing on the living room sofa’s in front of the, for now, turned off flat screen television which was placed upon the wall.

   I sat in between Liam and Niall, Harry sat next to Louis and Zayn sat cross-legged on the arm of the sofa,

   “Oh by the way, Bobbie,” It was Louis who spoke, I turned and stared at him urging him to carry on with whatever he was going to then say, “Watch out for reporters, I think they’re onto us, especially when the removal van turned up outside out flat today, just as a heads up, check before you answer the door who it is. Ask for ID stuff like that, also beware of crazy female fans,” He smiled at my probably gobsmacked expression, then, he pulled out his phone and got up a picture of him and a very pretty girl with long curled brown hair, “This is Eleanor, you can let her in and this,” He got up a picture of Zayn’s girlfriend who embarrassingly, I’d forgotten the name of, “This is Perrie,” That's it Perrie! “You can let her in too, anyone else, beware,”

   I nodded and smiled nervously, “Right,”

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