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Heather = Mikael322

Agent Zqartx groaned as he shook himself awake. Stupid truth serum. It was time to get his revenge. He stretched as he tried to wriggle out of the ropes. No luck. He growled in frustration.

"No need for that. Has little brother gotten himself into trouble again?" a voice said in a mocking tone.

Zqartx gritted his teeth, "We're twins, for the last time. Now get me out of these ropes, Heather."

"Well, I suppose I could cut you some slack after your last successful mission." she said as she bopped Zqartx in the nose.

Zqartx resisted the urge to whap his sister in the face. After all these years, she still had a knack for annoying him.

After he got out of his ropes, he said, "Follow those kids. I'm positive they know what SPYDER is up to."

Other than being his sister, Heather was also the best unseen mover, and was more of a behind the scenes thinker, while Zqartx had been the "hands-on" person. She knew she couldn't defeat that girl, Erica, so she stayed in the shadows and watched their progress. She knew that paper they held contained important info.

The SPYDER headquarters were located in Pennsylvania, and those kids were heading towards Maryland. The two APEX agents got on a helicopter and tailed the helicopter the kids were riding. They stayed unseen by the radar, and used various channels to monitor different flight routes, and they were assured that they weren't being detected on any sort of satellite.

After about an hour, the kids made landfall somewhere in Washington D.C. That wasn't surprising, because SPYDER's plan usually had something to do with national security one way or another. 

Heather quietly made her way towards the children, she realized that they weren't alone. A CIA agent had joined them, though he looked quite old. Heather quietly slipped a transmitter onto on of the kids' sleeves, and melted into the shadow once more.

The transmitter bug, once activated, created a chemical compound that made it stick to whatever surface it was placed on. It's tiny fibers blended with the object, until it was almost impossible to spot, and impossible to remove.

Heather moved back to where Zqartx was waiting, and activated the bug. They heard the kids discussing.

"So SPYDER is planning a meeting at 8, huh?" one of them said.

"Yeah. be sure to stay undercover. I'm planning to place a hidden camera inside the monument to monitor them. It's currently 7:13 PM right now, so we go in, place the camera, and head out." said another one.

"Interesting" mused Zqartx. "I suppose this mission isn't a total sham after all."

"Yeah." said Heather sarcastically. "I suppose we just waltz in there and place a camera, without being caught by those kids or SPYDER."

Zqartx frowned, "Can't you just hack their camera. I thought you were a 'pro' hacker", putting emphasis on the word "pro" to annoying his sister even more.

"Yeah, but that'll take an hour to break their encrypted frequency. The CIA is really boosting up their technology, I see."

"Then what do we do." Zqartx said.

"You know." said Heather. "I think I have a plan."

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