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SPYDER headquarters

1200 hours

I woke up in a room, my head spinning. Erica was a traitor. It was confirmed! I tried to move, but I was tied to a chair. I froze as I heard voices outside.

"Let's check on Ben to see if he's conscious." said Joshua.

The door opened, and he walked in.

"Ah, finally, you're awake." said Joshua."I could've killed you, but what fun would that be if you had a quick death. Plus, I need you to witness the success of our plan!"

This was a shattering thought. I had no idea what SPYDER was planning, and I was in no position to stop them. I guess this was a loss after all.

"Sadly," said Joshua. "We will begin with the small things, but our overall plan still needs a little more time."

"You won't succeed" I growled, trying to sound as menacing as possible.

Joshua laughed. "I will succeed. Nobody knows about this, and nobody is here to stop it!"

Joshua took out a remote detonator. "My plan will go into action in 3 minutes. I could detonate right now, but I need time for you to compensate the greatness of our plan. Plus, I want you to suffer after all the trouble you've cost me."

A screen popped up on the wall, being projected from a projector on the ceiling. I showed a picture of spy school, with students walking around it.

"You're planning to blow up spy school?" I asked, incredulous. "That's impossible, we have bomb prevention systems all over campus. If there's a bomb, it'll be tracked down in 5 minutes!"

"Why yes, of course." said Joshua, enjoying his victory. "But there seems to be a lot of pigeon droppings all over campus."

A thought struck me.

"Your telling me that all those pigeon droppings are bombs in disguise?" I asked.

Joshua clapped mockingly. "Benny boy finally figures out our mini-plan. How impressive! Sadly, your time is up. Have a nice life!"

"Let me rephrase that. Have a nice death!"

And he pressed the button.

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