Part 10

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When you realize that one of ships you have in another fandom(danganronpa Shuichi x kokichi) has the same dynamic as Molten x Bryan. Well back to the story it looks like only 20 people are seeing this to the end(of the story) well I'll stop talking and get back to the story :)

"Inner thoughts...?!?" I mumbled  in confusion. This shouldn't be right, Wolfie was always protective, confident, cheerful person... there must be something else to it like... I DON'T KNOW JUST ANYTHING. I hastily look for anything else that was added on, but there was nothing.

    Molten came up to me and looked over my shoulder. "I think we should talk to Wolfie figure things out, ok no need to worry." Molten reassured me. "O-ok." I say a little bit shock about everything.

   We both started look around Wolfie but she was no where to be found. But then we went the old pizzeria was just in case. We started to hear crying. Is that Wolfie..? Crying.. Molten and I follow the crying. And we found a unexplored place that we haven't went to yet. It keeps getting louder. We must be getting close.

  Then we see Wolfie in a corner crying. whispering words I can understand with all the crying. I hesitated for second then walk up to Wolfie sat down next to her and hug her.

   "Hey everything is ok." I say with the soft caring tone. "No! It's not ok..." she says through her tears clear enough that I can hear. "You can tell me if you want." I try to comfort her. "IT WAS ALL MY FAULT.. it was all my fault that they are dead.... i just stood there... I DID NOTHING... I could saved them..."

    "Hey, don't take blame for there death. I know it hurts a lot but I know this eating away on you."  "B-but it's all my fault I can't even find them after all this time, Bryan it's been years and I can't still find them. It's selfish of me for even trying they probably hate me. For it whats the point..."

I shall end this chapter in a sad note. I think I got my motivation back after watching some episodes of fanf 7 and screaming at the characters. Just me screaming and explaining why at the characters. Ya that's how I got my motivation back. Well have a great day guys, gals, and non-binary pals! AND GO TO THERAPY!!! I don't know why I just feel like I should add that... BYE

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