The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood

Start from the beginning

"I dressed for Rio." She said before the Doctor hit her as he fished out his Psychic paper

"Ministry of Drills, Earth, and Science. New Ministry, quite big, just merged. It's a lot of responsibility on our shoulders. Don't like to talk about it. What are you doing?" He said as the three finally made it to her. The Doctor and Alyssa looked at a screen that had readings they were getting.

"None of your business." The woman said,

"Where are you getting these readings from?" The Doctor asked,

"Under the soil." The woman answered as the Doctor kneeled near a patch of dirt. Alyssa looked at it, curious as she racked her brain for what episode this was.

"What exactly are these readings from under the soil?" Alyssa asked, but her question wasn't answered as a man came in and said, "the drill's up and running again." before walking into the room and noticing the three. "What's going on? Who are these people?"

"Amy, the Doctor, and Alyssa. We're not staying, are we, Doctor?" Amy said as she leaned against some of the equipment in the room,

"Why's there a big patch of earth in the middle of your floor?" The Doctor said as he picked some up and let it fall back into the patch.

"We don't know. It just appeared overnight." The woman said, and Alyssa finally realized what episode she was in. "Oh crap," she whispered as she moved over to Amy, who had joined them, as the Doctor suddenly straightened.

"Good. Right. You all need to get out of here very fast." the Doctor said

"Why?" the woman asked,

"What's your name?" he asked

"Nasreen Chaudhry." Nasreen said,

"Look at the screens, Nasreen. Look at your readings. It's moving." the Doctor said as Alyssa shifted closer to Amy as the man walked over to the Doctor

"Hey, that's specialized equipment. Get away from it." he said, as Alyssa and Amy watched as steam started pouring out of the ground

"What is?" Nasreen said,

"Doctor, this steam, is that a good thing?" Amy said, and the three instantly turned around and looked at the steam. "No, it's not," Alyssa said,

"Shouldn't think so. It's shifting when it shouldn't be shifting." The Doctor said as he stared at the steam that was now covering the patch of dirt.

"What shouldn't?" Nasreen said, and the ground started shaking, and Alyssa started pulling Amy away from the patch of dirt. "The ground, the soil, the earth, moving. But how? Why?" The Doctor said before returning to the computer showing the readings.

"Earthquake?" Amy said, and Alyssa just shook her head,

"What's going on?" The man said,

"Doubt it because it's only happening under this room." The Doctor said as more holes appeared in the floor. Alyssa instantly pulling Amy back until they were pressed against a machine behind them. "It knows we're here. It's attacking. The ground's attacking us." The Doctor said,

"No, no, that's not possible." Nasreen said,

"Under the circumstances, I'd suggest, run!" the Doctor said, and the five instantly starting Alyssa pulling Amy with her. The two stopped as a hole appeared underneath the man's foot.

"Tony!" Nasreen said, and Alyssa looked at him, contemplating her options. She still had her hand on Amy's arm. She looked at the Doctor as her gaze shifted back and forth between him and Tony.

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