19: be back soon.

Start from the beginning

"What'chu want me to say Darius? Huh?" she softly giggled and shook her head before resting it back on the seat, a disguised humorous look on her face. Darius knew she was probably high and doped up out of her mind. He couldn't even recognize the girl he'd been with since he was 14 years old.

"I can't do nothin'. You want me to be somethin' I'm not." she said, raising her voice.

"What? Be a mother? What about our fucking daughters J?!" he pulled over on the side of the road before grabbing her by the arm.

"What do you want from me?!" she yelled, trying to pry his hands off of her. "Get the fuck off of me-"

"What about me?! It's me Niecy, how you gonna do me like this? Huh?! I'm trying to keep our fucking kids straight, J!"

"Fuck you and them damn kids, D!" Niecy screamed before her face met Darius' fist, causing them to begin to brawl with each other in the front seat.

"STOP ITTTTTT!" Anari screamed.

Darius opened his door, getting out of the car and dragging Niecy over the center console and out of the car, slinging her to the ground as she scratched at his arms and face.

Ada could do nothing but helplessly watch through the window, tears running down her face as her sister screamed and cried in her ear.

"Ada Sierra," Ada heard her name being grumbled in her ear. She blinked before turning her head, seeing Cameron looking at her with his eyebrows playfully furrowed.

"Don't ignore me," he jokingly scolded, bumping his shoulder into hers.

"I won't," she mumbled as he handed her a gift bag.

"This one's from my Nana," he said, watching as she pulled out the contents of the bag. She smiled when she saw it was gift set from Bath And Body Works.

"She said you stink, so she got that for you," Cameron said before laughing when Ada punched his chest. "I'm just joking, I'm joking!" he laughed when Ada unwillingly began to giggle. He pursed his lips for a moment before touching the necklace around her neck.

"You sure you like it?" he asked, touching the letter 'C' charm that laid on her chest. Ada nodded, smiling as she put her hand over his. Cameron had gotten her a necklace for Christmas, along with a threaded bracelet for himself that had the letter 'A' on it.

"Merry Chrimuh" he said in a playful tone as he kissed her cheek, causing her to giggle.

It was Christmas day, and they were at his aunt Kamlyn's house to exchange gifts with the family and to watch baby Shia open her gifts from "Santa". Cameron and Ada were on the couch, watching Maya help Shia open one of her new babydolls. The older adults were in the pool room right across from them, talking and catching up.

"Look!" Shia excitedly got up, cradling her new doll. Maya got up and went to the room with the adults, excited to finally sneak away from the toddler who held her captive to open toys.

"Is that your baby? Aw, she's so beautiful!" Cameron playfully smiled at his cousin. He chuckled when Shia carefully laid the baby on Ada's thigh, putting her finger over lips.

"Shh, baby sleeping," she loudly whispered. Ada smiled and nodded, putting her finger over lips as well.

That didn't last long before Shia picked the baby back up, putting it on Cameron's chest. Cameron chuckled as he cradled the toy.

"That's your baby," Shia announced.

"Oh, this is my baby now?" Cameron laughed.

"You and Aya's baby," Shia said as she climbed into Ada's lap.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now