19 | chocolate orange heart

Start from the beginning

"Well, kids, we're all set up!" Logan said cheerfully.

He strolled into the kitchen, helping himself to a piece of cheese from the platter. He paused mid-chew, taking in Jack's pale face. His gaze flicked to Chloe's hand, which was still tightly wrapped around the piece of paper.

"Oh," he said. "Shit."

Chloe's gaze darkened. "That's all you have to say to me?"

"Um." Logan swallowed the cheese. "Double shit?"

And Chloe lost it.

Jack sprang back as she seized a tray of olives, pelting Logan with them. He gave an unearthly howl, diving behind the counter. Chloe's face was a thundercloud.

"Apologize to me, you arsehole!"

"Ow!" Logan raised his hands. "Why do people keep throwing things at me?"

"You're such a piece of shit!"

Chloe chased him around the island, lobbing tiny green Mediterranean missiles at him. Jack shrunk closer to the refrigerator. He could use the door as a shield, if he had to. Also to hit his head against, repeatedly. It was multi-purpose.

"You're an arsehole, Logan Winters," Chloe seethed. "You're a coward, and a liar, and a traitorous twat." She fired a well-placed shot, connecting with Logan's left ear. "God, I can't believe I ever fancied you!"

"Past tense?"


"Really?" He smirked. "Because it appears you're still chasing me, love."

Jack groaned. Oh, no. The idiot.

Chloe gave an almighty cry, grabbing Logan by the scruff of his jumper. Then she seized a glass of red wine, dumping it over the top of his head. Logan gave the wounded cry of an animal. Jack winced in sympathy.

He wasn't brave enough to intervene, though.

Also, Logan deserved it.

"This is designer!" Logan sputtered, sponging at his jumper. "Do you know what it's like to only wear Jack Wills for three weeks? I've had to—"

"Oh, fuck off, Logan," Chloe snapped.

"Well, I—"

"Hello!" a cheerful voice called. "I think the band left the door open, so I just—" Kate paused in the doorway, her eyes widening as she took in Logan, dripping red wine on to the floor. "Er. Did I miss something?"

"You," Chloe hissed, rounding on her. "Did you know, too?"

"About what?"

"About this!" Chloe brandished the article. "You work with him, right?"

Kate's face fell. "Chloe. I wanted to tell you, but I—"

"Brilliant," Chloe said flatly. "So everyone knew, then. Everyone except for me, apparently." She slapped the article against Logan's chest. "Well you know what? You can keep your article, arsehole. I hope you get terrible reviews on it."

Kate made a choking noise. She was clutching a bouquet of wildflowers so tightly that Jack thought the stems might rip off. Petals were shedding all over her black jumpsuit, but she seemed to neither notice, nor care.

"I'm so sorry, Chloe," she said. "We should have told you."

"Yes, you should have."

"We can pull the article," Kate said, ignoring Logan's horrified look. "If you want, I'll speak to my boss and we can—"


Jack groaned. Oh, please god, no; how many more people were going to have to witness this Circus of Nightmares?

"The door was open." A redhead poked her head into the kitchen. "I'm still early, but I thought..." She trailed off, blinking. "Everything okay, Chloe?"

Chloe snatched up her coat. "Change of plans, Rowan. We're going."

Jack frowned. Rowan? He recognized that name; this must be Chloe's flatmate. Then he looked at the newcomer properly, and he did a double-take.

Wait a second.

Jack knew her.

"Hang on." Rowan blinked at Jack. "I know you!"

"You do?"

"From Harrods." She snapped her fingers. "I was working at the jewelry counter when you came in to buy—"

Jack leapt across the  room, clapping a hand over Rowan's mouth. The bracelet. Bloody hell, Jack had completely forgotten. Rowan squealed, her hands  flying up to claw at his fingers. Chloe scowled.

"Oh, good," she said scathingly. "More secrets."

"For the record," Logan threw in, "I don't know her." He shrugged. "I'm not sure if that counts in my favour, but I thought I'd put it out there."

Jack glared at his brother. "Thanks, Logan."

"No worries, mate."

Jack released Rowan. She scowled at him, massaging her face.

"For god's sake," she huffed. "There was no need to be so dramatic about it."

"Come on, Row." Chloe shrugged on her coat. "Let's go."

Jack sighed, collapsing into a chair. Maybe that was for the best. He couldn't look at Chloe right now without feeling like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He pinched the bridge of his nose. For god's sake, had she meant what she said? About never wanting to see him again?

He couldn't lose her.

It would kill him.

Jack reached blindly for Chloe's box, popping a cookie into his mouth. God, he was an idiot. He could kick himself. He felt hot all over, and his throat felt swollen.

Jack paused.

No, wait; his throat really did feel swollen.

He touched his neck. A terrible prickling sensation was spreading through him, like a burning glob stuck halfway down his throat. Next to him, Kate and Logan were quabbling.

"Apologize to her," Kate hissed. "Now! Before she goes."


"Why?" Kate smacked him. "Because you lied to her, idiot."

"Guys," Jack said hoarsely.

His lips were tingling now. Pins and needles. Jack stumbled to his feet, yanking the box of cookies closer. The telltale smell of peanut butter wafted up to him.


He was an idiot. Chloe might have handed Jack the cookies, but she had made them for Logan. Logan, who didn't have a nut allergy.

Jack had just poisoned himself.

"Guys," he repeated, wheezing.

"You got everything, Row?" Chloe demanded, snatching up her purse. "I want to get out of here before Laura and Richard arrive."

Rowan eyed the cheese tray. "Can we take some for the road?"

"Go for it."

"Is this Gouda?" Rowan picked up a slice. "It smells heavenly."

Jack made a choking sound. His throat was on fire now, and he scanned the shelves desperately. Did his parents keep an EpiPen? Jack hated needles, but he would do it; he would stab himself in the thigh. He could close his eyes.

The door to the kitchen flew open.

"Hello, my darlings," his mother said cheerfully. "All set for the party, then?"

Jack staggered towards her. Black spots burst in front of his eyes, and he wanted to sink into them. To disappear. His eyes watered, and he clawed at his throat.

"Can't breathe," he choked out.

And then the world went black.

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